2 file in VCD (*dat), I can see only onegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi! My trouble is this. I have a cd(vcd)that have 2 files (dat extension). Any DVD read both (DAEWOO, HI TECH,LG, etc) but the media player only read one, the first. In DVD player, I must push number 2 in the remote control to see the second file. How can I do this in media player?
-- Jose Ponce (tb_pepe@hotmail.com), April 21, 2003
Drag 2 files at once into Windows Media player.
-- tctham (tctham@tm.net.my), June 30, 2003.
it is about activating, clearly it has been made by two session files. so one of them is not active. may be using nero should solve your problem
-- arthur seller (arthurs@ndc.com), July 15, 2003.