Sean M Hall : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello my name is Mr. Payback.

One of the people posting on Lusenet, Sean M Hall, launched an attack on another board called Ask A Drunk, utilising html tricks to disrupt and damage the forum, eventually making all the people who posted on it leave. While it was hardly a forum for serious discussion, it was well liked by its group of regulars.

None of the regular posters to the forum had admin status so his posts could not be removed. As fellow users of Lusenet you must agree that this behaviour is not acceptable. An attack on one board is an attack on all of them. Sean must realise that just because he thinks something is silly and unworthy, it does not mean other people do not value it.

I ask you to discourage Mr. Hall from posting this board and the rest of Lusenet. If you upset him he may start ruining your forum too.

Thank you for your time,

Mr. Payback

-- Mr. Payback (mr@pay.back), November 01, 2002


Cross Posting is in very bad form. Most users would consider it spam.

I'll also post this in the Ask a Drunk forum, but no where else.

-- Sick of You (, November 01, 2002.

I do apologise. But he needs teaching a lesson. Who's to say he won't start doing the same here?

-- Mr. Payback (mr@pay.back), November 01, 2002.

Feel free to delete this thread if you think it is appropriate.

-- Mr. Payback (mr@pay.back), November 01, 2002.

Thank you for your apology.

I suggest that if someone in your forum is violating its FAQ, then that person be dealt with within that forum. As I am not a contributor to your forum, I have not read its FAQ; therefore, I am ignorant of your predicament.

BTW, there are users of this board who would find me guilty of using “HTML tricks” on those who blatantly violate the Video CD FAQ.


-- Sick of You (, November 01, 2002.

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