Heath on Leno!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Heath Chat : One Thread

Hey! Did you all see Heath on Leno!? I sure did! I know Monica did too! *Happy Heath Dance!* LOL! Anyways, he was great, he made a lot of funny faces! Byebye for now!

-- Carrie (c_jo41@hotmail.com), September 14, 2002


I wish, I could have seen it too, but in Germany it is quite difficult...What were they talking about?

-- Nadine (littlemarouk@gmx.de), September 16, 2002.

Heath was so cute on Leno!!! and Angie if you don't get to see it i taped it so you can see it when you come here!!! :O)~ luv-ya ~~~ sue ~~~

-- Sue (monkeygal55@aol.com), September 14, 2002.

OMG, I sure hope they'll send that here soon too!!!


-- Angie (the_love@passagen.se), September 14, 2002.

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