SLA's for Change Management : LUSENET : Service Level Management : One Thread

Does anyone know of SLA's for Change Management. I can't come up with any. Tah Geoff

-- Geoff Mounsey (Mounsey@BTFinancial.Com), August 29, 2002


Couple of examples: - Target percentage of changes that do not cause incidents - Target percentage of changes that do not cause service unavailability - Target percentage of changes that do not cause service degradation

Looking at process Critical Success Factors can help when establishing SLA criteria (remember that the SLA criteria must be measurable!).

Here are a few best practice CSF's for Change Management that can be used: - reduction in both the scheduled and unscheduled service unavailability caused by Changes - percentage reduction in Changes backed out - percentage reduction of unsuccessful Changes - percentage reduction in Changes causing Incidents - percentage reduction in Changes impacting core service time and SLA service hours - percentage increase in Changes activated outside core service time and SLA service hours - percentage reduction in failed Changes that do not have recorded back-out plan - percentage reduction in time to implement a Change freeze

-- Wiley Vasquez (, August 29, 2002.

Hi Geoff

The CM CoffeeBreak Site has some useful stuff


-- Rudolph Catcher (RooCatcher@Yahoo.Com), August 29, 2002. to be speciofic! :-)

-- christian sarkar (, August 29, 2002.

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