VCD picture freezes from time to : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am using Video Studio 5.0 and have an AVI file comming from a Camcorder MPEG encoded. The VCD itself was burnt with Nero 5.5. During playback it happens from time to time that the picture freezes for 1 second. It actually happens by accident and around 90 -95% of the playback the picture is OK. The audio signal is always fine. Has anybody realised a similar problem? By the way I am using the Panasonic RV32 Video player and a TEAC drive in my computer. I have read in some threads that sometimes the problem can be solved by choosing other disk media.
-- Werer Peter (, July 09, 2002
What speed are you burning at?....some players give you hell if you burn at a fast speed. Try burning at the lowest speed possible on your Nero software, and see if the problem resolves. If not, try different media.The other possible explanation is if your VCD contains chapter marks. The disc will pause momentarily (a second or two) while going from one chapter to the next.
Failing that, there could be a setting that you are using while encoding. I encode using TMPGEnc , and have not had any problems with it.
Dean Phillips SIM Solutions
-- Dean (, January 31, 2003.