question #1 : LUSENET : Wife of Bath's Tale : One Thread

In order to save his own life, the knight is sent on a quest by Queen Guinevere to find out what women want more than anything else. Choose an answer that you think he might receive and briefly explain why it is a good answer.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002



Simply because it was most wanted since not many people were wealthy and also wanted some sort of treasure in their life.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

to be respected and loved as a unique individual--what we all want regardless of gender

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

Money- so they can buy anything and everything they've ever wanted. If you give a woman endless money she will be pretty happy.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

Women desire a variety of things. One possible answer would be loyalty and devotion. Women (and men too) want someone to always be there. We all want to feel loved and have someone to count on. When the Knight asked the women, they might have said "a partner who will devote much time to me". This sort of loyalty makes a woman feel important and special. (i.e. GOOD!)

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

As a person of the smae gender i believe i know the answer men have been pondering for centuries, " What Women Want." I believe that every women wants to love a man and be loved in return. I believe this because there is no better feeling then putting your love, trust, etc into a person, and them returning it.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

I believe that the knight recieved an answer saying that women really want the perfect man. I say this because if women had the perfect. By this I mean a man that just does everything right (towards me, not meaning a know-it-all or anything).

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

I believe that women in general do not all want the same thing. There is no one thing that even a majority of women want. For example, some women like that men mostly run the government because they don't want to get caught up in politics. However, other women are all about women's rights, and they fight to get more women in political offices so that women have more of a voice in our government.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

As a female myself, I believe that every women at some point in her life wants and needs a man who truly and honestly respects and loves them to a point where they feel the same way about the woman as the woman feels about them. Not just someone to make them happy every now and then or buy them things, but someone who can understand that and I think that can only come when someone truly loves them. The reason this is imperative in a women's life is that a girl friend can not give that aspect in the same way a man can.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

A good husband, that loves her for who she is an not for what she once was. This is a classic fantasey the perfect husband to help raise a perfect family. A knight in shinig armor, Romeo.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

If you look at it from an evolutionary standpoint, one thing that women would want more than anything would be a (good) protector/provider, so that she will not have to bear the whole of the heavy burden of raising children. However, in today's modern society, women have now been taunted by the flavors of freedom and equality. The chance to do what you want with your life, not what society or anyone else dictates, is probably the "what women want" of today.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

True Love - Every one wants to be loved by other people. Without love people's lives would be depressing and would feel incomplete.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

I think that what women want more than any thing else is to be asked by a person what they want more than any thing else.

Explanation: This is because if they are asked, they will have their sel-esteem boosted. They may also want to be asked this question because if they tell someone what they want, they will be assertive and sure of themselves that that is what they want. They basically want to want something. . . .

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

A woman wants someone to care for her, more than anything else in the world. She wants someone to hold, and to love at all times. She likes to be treated like a lady and so she would like a man to show her some respect. If a man shows her this respect, the woman is happy and feels like a true lady.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

i think that the knight might have received the answer as a "perfect" man. A man who is a true gentleman and does not always give in but at the same time does not always have to have his way.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

A nice, caring, handsome man who will be their best friend and care for them during their lifetime. This person would not only be a great husband, but would help them during their hardships in life.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

What women want more than anything else is a husband who loves them for who they truly are. Women would want this because most people look at other things than the true person like physical characteristics or a fake personality.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

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