Help needed for goat : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a one year old doe who has a leg problem. A couple weeks ago she had a limp on the hind left leg. We were suspecting a sprain, but then she quit putting weight on it altogether . We thought that the weight of her kids which she was shortly to deliver was complicating things. She had the kids fine, but the problem is as bad and worse. I was feeling around and noticed that from the pasturns to the hoof it is cold! She never had point tenderness or showed any other signs of illness. She is in pain I believe since she stands with her head against the wall a lot of the time, (like a goat in labor). She is attentive to her kids and producing milk well. I'm alarmed and baffled as to what this could be. No swelling is present anywhere. You're help is much appreciated. Thanks, Nancy

-- Nancy (, April 16, 2002


Are you comparing the non-weight bearing leg to the weight bearing leg? If you cause the non-weight bearing leg to come into a weight bearing situation, what does the goat do?

-- BC (, April 16, 2002.

I can't find any differences in the legs other than the hoof is going straight down from the leg where as the weight bearing leg has the forward curve. We got her to bear weight, but she was shaking and kept the leg bent. She has fallen when another goat bumped her off balance and when we lifted her leg to check it. There is some warmth between the hoof.

-- Nancy (, April 16, 2002.

I suggest that you call your vet, as it is taking on the signs of a nerve injury, given the history that you have given.

-- BC (, April 16, 2002.

I'd appreciate hearing what your vet tells you, either via email or in a post.

-- BC (, April 16, 2002.

Could it be a blood clot?

-- Tricia (, April 17, 2002.


As to your concern that it could be a blood clot. I'm not sure if your are referring to a blood clot centrally (in the nervous system) or one locally (in the leg or pelvic area from giving birth). A clot in the brain would most likely show a wider pattern of neural impairment. A clot in a leg would most likely show local signs of obstruction to blood flow. Without going into details, maybe this will answer your question.

-- BC (, April 17, 2002.

I'm back, finally got the call from the vet. He said possibilities are: broken leg, dislocation, nerve damage, or a blood related problem. Today there is inflamation in the upper leg region (meaty curved part)and tenderness there. I was thinking of dislocation before he called. Nancy

-- Nancy (, April 17, 2002.

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