Chicken Tractor Plans : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Just wondering if someone could post some of there owns plans to build a successful chicken tractor. I have been looking on the internet, but all i can really find is stuff about them...not how to build them, and pictures. Any help would be great! thanks!!!!!!!1

-- Chris Pund (, March 13, 2002


I am selling a CD with Plans, Directions, Bill of Materials, and illustrations ... on eBay at: ViewItem&item=1523582904 more than two days left....

Lots of similar (less detailed by non ---- retentive authors) plans available on the net. Use dogpile to search for chicken tractors.

CD containing Plans, Directions, and Illustrations for four foot and eight foot versions of the Urban Chicken Coop (UCC) and Accessories. CD has color illustrations and files for directions and CAD drawings. Project is a simple construction project that uses few tools and makes use of the Spiral saw for sawing operations. Instructions are sufficiently detailed to allow the beginning builder to complete the coop. Instructions, illustrations, and results are 24 pages. Plans for coop and accessories are an additional 16 pages. CD has file containing bill of materials and costs for materials of both coops. The plans, directions and illustrations will save you at least an hour of time to compensate you for the cost. The directions and illustrations will improve the appearance of the completed project and aid in checking critical construction steps. Plan will allow you to evaluate two coop sizes and evaluate features for incorporation into your version. The UCC has the following features: Chicken Tractor design permits movement of coop for ground access to different areas. Design consolidates coop and tractor in one unit for containment, protection and movement of occupants. Translucent bay panels admit light to coop and permit observation. Design uses commodity materials at their production size (8 foot size). Small coop has 16 sq ft of coop space, 22 sq ft of ground access space, and controlled ground access. Sized for Urban flock of 3 - 5 large chickens. Designed for easy knock down for storage or relocation. Modular design and directions build simple assemblies, minimize hardware use, and avoid complex construction steps. Brooder to Layer configurations and accessories for full life cycle use. Designed for easy access to all areas for maintenance and cleaning with doors to the bays, a no-tools removable floor panels, and access doors in the ends. Access doors, accessories (feeder, nest box, roost, dusting box, brooder), and accessory hangers included in plan. Urban acceptable appearance is achieved by using colored panels and painted one piece gussets. Most difficult operation is cutting a 30º bevel on a roof ridge board, second most difficult task is cutting the threaded rod with hacksaw for roost spacer, third is fitting floor panels. Only one of the tasks may require assistance.

-- Joel N. Gessele (, March 13, 2002.

This site has quite a few links on chicken tracters/houses/coops. hope it helps.

-- Buk (, March 13, 2002.

Try this one it has a bunch of plans.

-- charlieS (, March 13, 2002.

Most libraries have the book "The Chicken Tractor". If not you can ask then to do an inter-library loan. It has the plans in it.

-- Jodie in TX (, March 14, 2002.


Try this:

I wrote to these guys and they sent me a whole packet of information. Really good stuff on pastured poultry, lots of different sorts of coops, chicken tractors, runs, etc... included some plans too.

-- LBD, Maryland (, March 14, 2002.

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