potato bugs

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

does anyone know what i can plant in my garden this year to keep the bugs from eating them underground?? someone told me to plant horseradish. thanks. cody

-- cody (urbusted@alltel.net), February 15, 2002


ooops, i forgot to say that its my potato's that are getting eaten. cody

-- cody (urbusted@alltel.net), February 15, 2002.

potato bugs eat the plants,, not the tubers. Are you sure its a "bug" eating htem underground,, if so,, you need ot identify the "bug", then take control measures. Here,, moles like to eat the tubers

-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), February 16, 2002.

unless it is wireworms. they get mine. helps to turn the chickens into the potato patch a few days before planting.

-- carol (kanogisdi@yahoo.com), February 16, 2002.

A few years ago my potatoes where getting eaten underground also. Not the whole potato, but small areas here and there. It took several months before I found out the culprit. It was pill bugs! I finally caught several in the act. I had never heard of pill bugs eating potatoes underground before. This was a wet year. I don't know if that had anything to do with it. And the soil is full of organic matter. Again, I don't know if this has anything to do with it. Last year I only had a little bit of damage and it was a hot, dry year. Don't know what to do about them eating underground though. I let the potato cure and just cut out the damaged part and use it.

-- vicki in NW OH (thga76@aol.com), February 16, 2002.

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