How to play a VCD on Windows in slow motion : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to play VCD's in slow motion on Windows. I am studying Taekwondo an need to memorize my forms :)

Replies via email (sedwards at would be appreciated.

-- steve edwards (, January 30, 2002


I wish I could answer your question; however, I am also looking for the answer on how to playback mpeg or vcd files in slow motion, using Windows Media Player or some other type of media player.

If you come across the answer to this plagueing question please let me know via my email address!

Thank You.

-- David (, January 08, 2003.

Dunno if this helps but I use Cyberlink POWER DVD and they have a functionw which slows the vcd down a lot... Hope this helps

-- Luis (, January 08, 2003.

To play them open them in windows movie maker or similar and they have will be divided into clips and you can play them frame by frame.

-- Martin Fleming (, December 19, 2003.

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