Creation.....a starting point : LUSENET : Religious Points of View : One Thread

I believe that God created the entire universe and all living/non-living things on and in the earth, and that he rested on the seventh day(sabbath day)

p.s. Do you agree?

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2002


You mean you believe that Genesis should be interpreted literally?

What the point in God resting on the seventh day, when he is all powerful? Note I not disputing that, but I like to know why an all-powerful God that exists outside of time itself needs rest?

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2002

Very simple one here GV, the sabbath as taught by most beliefs is, its a day of rest(no labor) and thats it....but in truth, you will see that the sabbath is "eternal life" and when you see this and understand it, the light of truth will shine on you.

God was showing us ,as man, a picture of what is to come. We "work" for six days, which means we work to get to "eternal life", which is "no work" i.e."the sabbath day". You do realize through scripture that we will be judged on our works ,right? Our works are what gets us to heaven(eternal life) If we do as God wants us to then we have been righteous enough to get to heaven(where we dont work)which is the sabbath. Does this make sense to you? An easy way to see this is to use the word sabbath for the word eternal life, it should make it clearer for you.

We are all Gods children, therefore God had to start us off on an easy plan to "Teach" us (no differnt from a dad to his kids)how to get eternal life.

Christ is as he stated "lord of the sabbath day".....does this mean just one day a week? No!...he is Lord of heaven/eternal life, he will reign with us forever.

Now, why is it important for any religion to NOT change the sabbath day, because, if you change the sabbath day you change your own eternity ,therefore you take the eternal life that God has offered us and give it a man made one. The commandment says to keep this day holy, if you change it, it no longer is holy. We are to worship, and be obediant to God every day, the sabbath day is our reward for obeying God.

So, to get to your question "why does God need to rest"....he doesnt, he is showing us how to get rest(eternal life). And I think Genesis should be literal, why wouldnt it? Have you seen Christ the messiah in the book of genesis? He is the tree of life, he was there from the begining ,as he tells us, that he was a man of ancient time, he is the spirit of prophecy.

shalom, eye

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2002

God created the whole universe in six days and on the Seventh HE ascended his throne

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2002

The most literal translation of the hebrew word "shabath" (rested KJV) is, in english, "cease". Here is a link for reference:

-- Anonymous, January 28, 2002

"What the point in God resting on the seventh day, when he is all powerful? Note I not disputing that, but I like to know why an all- powerful God that exists outside of time itself needs rest?"

What would be the point of being all powerful and creating all things if you didn't stop to enjoy it once in a while? That was a day set aside for God to enjoy His creation and for His creation (us) to enjoy and fellowship with Him.

It is sad that even though God commmand it, how few people actualy stop and smell the roses.

-- Anonymous, January 29, 2002

why would God need enjoyment?

-- Anonymous, January 29, 2002


-- Anonymous, January 29, 2002

-- Anonymous, January 29, 2002


-- Anonymous, January 29, 2002

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