I can't beleive it! Twins! (Sheep)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

well don't we feel foolish.... okay-all the books say that sheep don't breed when it is hot (at least the breeds we have) nor when they are nursing. Don't you believe them. :P They do. And ram lambs are old enough at three and four months to breed.

Surprised today by two robust and vigorous lambs who were not supposed to get here until.... ahem....March or April. Chose out a particular ram too. Upon closer inspection I think we are going to have a pretty good batch of lambs here shortly. And I detest January lambing! In prt because this year I am due to have a baby myself...any day now. When it rains it pours, huh? :P

On the bright side-it has been fairly mild and we have not had damp rainy or snowy weather...yet. Maybe we will really get lucky and avoid all that nasty stuff...and no one else will lamb anytime soon. Nah...that just isn't gonna happen.

So while you all are laughing-and we are too-just remember that there is nothing, truly nothing like *experience* for learning the ropes of something new. Books and talking to folks and articles-well, they help-just be very careful of what you accept as wisdom.


-- sarah (heartsongacres@yahoo.como), January 14, 2002


Response to I can't beleive it! Twins!

Now Sarah, it happens to the best of us! I thought the nursing tale was true also, I discovered it is not....especially in humans!

-- Sandie in Maine (peqbear@maine.rr.com), January 14, 2002.

Response to I can't beleive it! Twins!

Sarah, all you have to do is teach those sheep how to read the books and they'll follow them to the letter, I'm sure! :-)

-- Sheryl in Me (radams@sacoriver.net), January 14, 2002.

Response to I can't beleive it! Twins!

This is going to sound terrible -- but I feel better now. Last year, on Labor Day my hubby had a massive heart attack and I was about 10 weeks pregnant with our 4th child. While away at the hospital ( had to be transported out of town), my yearling Alpine buck escaped. I had not planned on breeding any does early. I wanted them all to kid after I had had the baby. This buck had 4 passion filled days before I could get anybody to go get him out. I ended up being 8 months pregnant out catching kids and bottle feeding and milking...... I got 24 kids in 4 days and 19 of them were does.... I was so big and miserable and it was COLD. BTW. hubby recovered nicely after by pass surgery and just got a very good check up. The baby is 9 months. So I can sympathize with you! Happy lambing!!

-- Tana Mc (mcfarm@totelcsi.net), January 15, 2002.

Response to I can't beleive it! Twins!

Sarah So happy for you on the twins,but you take care now.What kind of sheep do you have................I was reading the other message said it happened with alpine some one said alpines only breed in fall lol.surprises lol.

-- Pastor Hughes (hbchurch@brightok.net), January 15, 2002.

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