Video Pack 5 - Tutorial.. Guide.. ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hey,Does anyone on this planet have a detailed guide, or tutorial on how to make a complex menu system with Video Pack 5 ?? I have been trying for weeks now, and i still don't get it.. The helpfiles that comes along with the program doesn't help very much, so I hope anyone here could either write down how, or write a mail to tell me. I am going nuts.. thinking of goin' back to Video Pack 4... What I mean with complex is that i have a main menu, with sub menus, and under the sub menus i also have sub menus.. sort of sub-sub-menus.. but i can't figure out the routing...
// Rob
-- Robert (, January 11, 2002
Yes, I have created a guide to menu creation on my site
-- TOMMO (, March 26, 2002.