wood cookstoves (Kitchen - Cook Stoves)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I was wondering if anyone could help me in finding a wood cookstove semi-close to my area? 'round about Indiana/Illinois/missouri/Ohio??

-- Tracy Conklin (caddyqueen@hotmail.com), November 24, 2001


Response to wood cookstoves

Hello Tracy, I have seen them on Ebay quite a few times. Some of them were auctioned nearly for the taking. Unfortunately, they have all been to far for me to travel to "take". Ebay address is: www.ebay.com Sincerely, Ernest

-- http://communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), November 24, 2001.

Response to wood cookstoves


They're in Kidron, OH, and have all sorts of wood cookstoves, from ornate to plain.

-- Connie (Connie@lunehaven.com), November 24, 2001.

Response to wood cookstoves

I don't know if this is close to you...Keokuk stove works, Hamilton, IL. They have a web site. Good Luck!

-- DW (djwallace@ctos.net), November 24, 2001.

Response to wood cookstoves

If there are any oldtimey general stores around you or stores serving armish then they will carry wood coal or kerosene stoves. You may have to choose from a catalogue but they carry them. As pointed out Lehmans in Kidron is good for stoves but they are not inexpensive by any means. You should be able to order the same stove at near the same price from someone near you.

-- Ed (smikula@bellsouth.net), November 24, 2001.

Place a wanted ad in the local newspaper. There are probably still some sitting out on back porches or out in barns or sheds.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), November 25, 2001.

We live in NW Ohio near the Michigan and Indian borders. When we ran an ad for a wood cookstove we only received one call. We have Amish communities around here so the stoves are still used by a lot of people and I am guessing that's why used ones are harder to come by in this area.

Here is a website for used wood cookstoves: http://antiquestoves.com. They are located in Tekonsha, MI, not too far from the the Indiana, and Ohio borders of Michigan.

-- Terry - NW Ohio (aunt_tm@hotmail.com), November 25, 2001.


I have a wood cook stove that belonged to my Grandmother. It is a Home Comfort. My Grandmother is now deceased and we do not have need of this stove. It is white with a water tank and the measurements are 48" wide, 36" deep and 50" high. It also has a thermostat on the oven. It is a very large stove. The only problem is that I, and the stove, are in Virginia. It may be too far for you to travel, but thought I would give you the information on it just in case. It is probably 55 or 60 years old-I'm not exactly sure. I just hate that it is sitting there and no one is getting any use out of it.

-- Nancy Y. Phillips (nphillips@radford.edu), January 29, 2002.

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