Hard Drive failure...but I"m back...I think

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hey everyone that remembers me....my computer crashed and I had to get a new drive. They salvaged some of it, but the icq files didnt convert for me. If you had me on your list(or want to have me), please send me a request. Im not on much but it is good to see you when I am. My number is 46194846. Thanks!

-- SunflowerGirl (dianne63@hotmail.com), November 08, 2001


I'll re-add you, if I can, SFG. For some reason my requests and authorizations on ICQ are all messed up now. I think it's incompatibility with the newest version of the program (I'm still running an older, much smaller, version). I'm 107960, in case we need to get you to ask for mine to get it to work.

-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), December 02, 2001.

I think you're still on my ICQ list, Sunflower. I sent you a message anyway as a test.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), November 25, 2001.

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