--can't get mpeg compliant from tmpgenc to vcd2tkgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi -in vcdhelper says- I had to demux it first (I used tmpgenc mpeg tools)Then mux it with de muxer of the vcd2tk to get the .mmd
But I get some sort of mismatch in the block rate" something like that
If any one made it this way tell me what template you used in tmpgenc (is it because of the GOP sructure?) if you have to decode the avi direcltly demuxed it in tmpgenc.
What I wanna do is to have a motion mpeg in the menu If not that I can make it directly with the nero
I tried with the TSCV No goonies
Thanks! Pablo Argentina
-- pablo (pabloest@ssdnet.com.ar), November 07, 2001