VCD problems using MovieDVSuite and Nero : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi. I'm trying to put family photos on VCDs. I use Aist MovieDVSuite 4.0 to render and wanted to use the demo version of Nero to burn the VCD. However, Nero always gives me an error message saying the file is not in the correct VCD mpeg-1 format even though that's exactly what I use when rendering. I tried both PAL and NTSC options in MovieDVSuite. I even tried Super VCD formats with no luck. I used one freeware to re-encode the MovieDVSuite output and that gave the same result. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Or if there is something wrong with either Nero or MovieDVSuite? Thanks. -Bahadir

-- Bahadir Erimli (, November 05, 2001


Most NLE programs nowadays geared for the home user have built-in MPEG encoding capabilities to allow you to encode directly the timeline contents without having to render to an AVI file first. This is usually a third party *.dll that do not have the features, quality, and stability of their stand-alone counterparts. An example is Ligos LSX. Worse, despite their claims they may not even be producing compliant MPEG files for VCD, SVCD, and DVD. If I were U, to find out who the culprit is, I'll, say, render first to a DV AVI file. Then I'll encode that file with TMPGenc and present the result to Nero to see what gives.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, November 05, 2001.

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