looking for a milker (Goats - Dairy)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We're currently looking to buy a milker within a 50 mile radius of Caroine County, MD if anyone has one for sale. Interested in a La Mancha or Alpine if possible. No nubians please as we can only have one. I know we should have two, but finances and space prevent it. Gloria

-- Gloria (mullinaxclan@webtv.net), October 21, 2001


Response to looking for a milker

Hello Gloria, I am on the Lower Shore, too far away, but I do know a man who is selling his herd. If you ever want to come this far let me know. Why not Nubians? They are so sweet, we have 2. Karole

-- Karole (Biz3boymom@aol.com), October 21, 2001.

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