I want to buy 5 chicks

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Where can I buy 5 chicks. I don't want to order 25. I live in south eastern pennsylvania. I am willing to travel up to an hour the pick them up. thanks for your help.

-- Joe Joseph (hplc13@aol.com), October 19, 2001


Try here. An independant chicken person may have some.


-- Wendy Antes (phillips-anteswe@pendleton.usmc.mil), October 19, 2001.

Try here. An independant chicken person may have some. good luck


-- Wendy Antes (phillips-anteswe@pendleton.usmc.mil), October 19, 2001.

I have gotten chicks from a hatchery in Quakertown called Moyer's I Don't know if they sell less than 25 but that is usually just for keeping them warm while shipping. good luck

-- scott masich (msmasich@epix.net), October 19, 2001.

Try putting an add at a feed store, or buy farm-fresh eggs and an incubator.

-- (hooperterri@prodigy.net), October 19, 2001.

Do you know of any-one else in the area who is interested in chicks. See if they will split an order.

-- Tom S. (trdsshepard@yahoo.com), October 19, 2001.

A few years ago I bought 5 chicks from the above mentioned Moyers hatchery. They were a Rhode Island Red/Plymouth White Rock mix and nice birds. The folks at Moyers were very friendly.

-- Barb (rosemontfarm1@aol.com), October 19, 2001.

We have eggs in the incubator that should hatch around the 3rd of November.

-- Don Amon (peacelane@certainty.net), October 20, 2001.

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