Sunday night in VP : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Sunday night, October 14, in Excite VP chat -- be there or be ... ya know ...


Pass the word.

(9pm ET onwards)

-- editrix (, October 13, 2001


I've got my standard trip up to Pennsylvania to work the flea market tonight (Saturday) into tomorrow, but if Im still coherent at 9 PM...and can find my silly password, I intend to be there.

-- SunflowerGirl (, October 13, 2001.

I'll do my best to be long as I have my wash done. yuk yuk

-- washngo (, October 13, 2001.

I didn't see any of you there!!!!!!!!! :) Only one more Sunday left before VP dies!

-- Shel (, October 15, 2001.

Sorry Shel, I was up in KC town like I am every weekend with Dale cuddling and doing all the romantic things before I had to head back to school Monday morning.

Glad to see some of you old folk are still around *snicker*

Chris aka Drizzt

-- Drizzt (, October 16, 2001.

OLD?! HMPH! Watch it Mr.! :)

-- Shel (, October 16, 2001.

lol, thought you'd get a kick out of that Shel...*grin* Guess us young pups have a thing or two to learn yet, aye?


-- Drizzt (, October 17, 2001.

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