Anyone heard of neem? (Herbs/Herbalism) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I did a search for herbs for acne and several sites mentioned neem. Has anyone used this, or any other herbs for acne with success? Thanks!

-- Elizabeth (, October 11, 2001


Response to Anyone heard of neem?

all blood cleansers,, golden seal, dandlion, red clover. Stay away from ALL caffine, coffe,, soda,, choclates. Cleanse at least twice a day to remove oils

-- stan (, October 11, 2001.

Response to Anyone heard of neem?

Try these !!

-- Scott (, October 11, 2001.

Response to Anyone heard of neem?

Elizabeth--All it takes to clear up acne is an egg yolk. For 1 month put egg yolk on for 10 minutes a day and rinse off well with warm water. Egg yolk has lots of retinol which I believe is the precursor to Vit. A. This really works. After the first month, use it just a couple of times a week.--Vicki

-- vicki in NW OH (, October 11, 2001.

I use neem in a homemade mask (french green clay, neem oil, tea tree, oil, lavender oil...mix with water to form a paste). I think it works great. As a 30 year old who still breaks out I'm always on the look out for something to help without being too harsh. The items I mentioned above work great, although you may want to use another clay if you don't have very oily skin.
Here's a link with info about essential oils that are good for acne: Essential oils used to treat acne
Also, you could search Soapnuts for neem or acne. Lots of good posts their about the subject. It's a password protected site, but it's the same for everyone and there is no sign- up so I'll don't see why I couldn't share it (username: smitten, password: kitten).
Interestingly, neem is a great insect repellent (I didn't get any until late this summer when the mosquitos were mostly gone, so I can't vouch for this) and is used by many organic gardeners to keep pests off plants. Beware, it does have an odor, kind of garlicky. HTH

-- Tonya Bednarick (, October 12, 2001.

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