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Someone I've known and trusted for a very long time sent me the following message.

A few minutes ago I received an IM from a friend in NJ. Her folks live about 15 minutes away from her. Her step brother is in areonautics at the Pentagon and advisor to the Bush adm. He had just called his mom and dad and said, "get all the cash you can together, make sure you have lots of water and the gas tanks are full on the car. Do it NOW! I cannot say anything more, but trust me. Do it now!" Thats all I know and the only thing I can say is that I know this woman and she wouldn't tell me BS. They are not doomers but they do stay prepared and were prepped for Y2K. She was headed out for the grocery store and to pick up the 4 year old at preschool. I realize this is what I call "sh** kicking" info and there is nothing you can do with this info except keep your eyes open and powder dry.

I don't usually pass on fourth- or fifth-hand info but. . . I kind of figured that something is in the works for as soon as Rumsfeld and Blair leave the Middle East. This may be a confirmation. Anyway, it's good advice for these times. Wouldn't hurt to get the cash, fill up the jugs and put gas in the car.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001


It may be a good idea also to get all your stuff together for "shelter in place". I had made a list of the things I needed to get together yesterday, like plastic and duck tape for the windows and doors, porta potty, water, some food, air filter, small electric heater, portable radio with extra batteries, cat's food and water, an extra cat litter tray with litter, that I have in the garage. This info gives me the kick in the a** to do it today.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

Wish I had read this last night. :(

Right now I'm stuck at work, with no chance of leaving today. I had to get new tires yesterday and didn't get home until around 7:30. I could have used the time I spent watching Fox News last night in gathering my stuff together.

Oh well....

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

All I'll add to the above is that the "local" spooks (from a 3-letter agency, not the spirit kind) are gone this morning. Zip. I'll repeat the advise I was given: follow normal routines, but stay around the area (not housebound, but no long trips).

I just topped off a few items and am on my way for more fresh fruit, which I will cut up and dry if I have excess.

Good luck to all if this is anything. If not, thanks for posting, OG, I daresay we'll see more of these warnings in the coming days.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

IF--and I stress if any terrorist action takes place in this country, my best guess is it will be after US action in Afghanistan, and that action surely won't take place until Rumsfeld and Blair are back home.

We are learning that the French chemical plant explosion was very likely a terrorist act and that the Russian plane crash could also be a terrorist act, although it is nowhere near as certain as the French incident. I believe terrorists are looking for targets of opportunity and are aware they probably won't find any in this country at the moment because people are too alert. I believe terrorists also may be looking to cause our allies to "wobble" on their support.

I could be totally wrong, but with these trains of thought going on, I think we all have some time before any action takes place. I certainly hope so, anyway. With that in mind, it would be prudent to have cash, full gas tanks, water, prescription meds and nonperishable food (including pet food and cat litter) lined up to coincide with Rumsfeld's return from the Middle East. There could be a period within which you would feel more secure at home than "out there," or at least to spend as little time as possible away from the house.

If anyone needs info on how much water per person, that sort of thing, we could look up the info in the old archives. Feel free to ask questions. Lurkers, speak up!

I think I'll go and get a snack then try to impose some order on the store room.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

Well, after I finished working yesterday, I organized the pantry (finally). Guess my timing was good. I need to get other things organized as well. Like finding my missing 8 rolls of duck tape or buying more.

I need to see how much ammo we have as well. I know we haven't used much this past year, but well maybe I should get some more.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

Old Git,

While I do think that we'll get another attack after we start our strikes, I sometimes think that they'll give us another blow before just to show that they can.

Hubby and I discussed this at great length, and he also believes that they will do something else before we strike. The thing is, with some of the "accidents" that have gone on already, are they hitting us and TPTB just not wanting us to know it was a attack by them?

Who knows.... certainly not us "little people".

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

Sheeple, I had assumed no major attacks here before we retaliated because it would be inviting too strong a reaction from us. Of course, maybe not.

Spent last weekend reclaiming floor space in the basement, playing with my new pwgazette water filters, getting the garage ready for first indoor cord of wood. It's been a beautiful week, but temp. due to drop about 20 degrees for this weekend. Drat, really hoped to [want to] make more progress outside.

Meanwhile, substantial cobwebs in the basement await me.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

Brooks, We had the 20deg drop yesterday and are expecting another 10deg drop today. Went from low 80's to 50's.

Almost-a-son came by yesterday and stacked the wood that is split (about a cord). We have another 2-3 cords to split. The chimney sweep we had hired didn't show up on Sat so I guess we are going to have to figure out how to do that ourselves as well.

I know what you mean about the basement - the toads we have living in the basement just can't keep up with the spiders this year :( . My basement needs seriously rearranged as well, but the 2nd floor needs it first.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001


I think they know darn well how hard we'll strike. I personally don't think it will matter if they do it again before we strike. I think we're gonna hit em really hard. Remember, this isn't Clinton sitting in the big chair.


-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

I guess when it all boils down, we have: better to have and not need . . ."

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

Was it ever announced when Rumsfeld is supposed to leave the M.E.? (as in 3-day trip or something). I just haven't caught much of the news in the last several days.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

I believe I heard he was suppose to be in the US Saturday.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

Interesting info. Has anyone passed anymore specifics?

I would expect that US strikes won't occur until the Kitty Hawk gets into position. (It has no planes on board and will probably be used as a platform to launch helo's and be the base of Ops for covert team insertion)

I would love to pass the info on but I am concerned about passing 6th hand info without more hard data.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

I had heard on TV or read an article, a couple of days ago about using the Kitty Hawk for helicopters and a take off and landing strip. Something like 4. something acres of space.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

I posted this on Sheep's thread already. In my opinion, I don't expect the US first strike to happen while the markets are open -- thus, an evening or a weekend would be the time. I don't have any inside information on that, just makes sense to me. I also agree with whomever said the Kitty Hawk needs to be in place and that Rumsfeld needs to be on the way home.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

Oh, boy. This weekend we're having a multiple birthday party. We plan to have about seven or eight families and a couple of extras out here in the sticks. First party we've put on for a long time. It crossed my mind that if anything happens, HERE is the best place any of them can be. All of them were invited for y2k, but none came. Wouldn't it be the most horrible irony if they were here accidentally just when they really need to be?

I gotta finish cleaning the fridge out.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

Okay, I doubt w would attack on their Sabbath or whatever--not sure, is that Friday sunset to Saturday sunset? If so, then no action until after sunset--THEIR TIME--Saturday night. Keep watching the signs!

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

10:23 pm EDT and All is Well. I went shopping with two new GIs. Still lots of holes in the shelves at the marts. They said on the TV while we were in a store that four companies of OH NGs are shipping out soon. I noticed about every third shopper had bottled water, canned goods, tp. Lines at the gas stations are somewhat longer than usual, but regular gas has also mysteriously dropped to $1.15 at some stations, so that could explain the lines. Talk was mainly about the warm weather and the upcoming Buckeye Homecoming on Saturday.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

I spent most of the afternoon, topping off preps. and there was alot of empty shelves at the one grocery store. no water at all to be bought, but I am still good with water....

I am schelduled to make the trip to dad's on tues..3 hrs down and 3 hrs back...If anyone hears something as to why I shouldn't go, say by monday night,,,,please post or email me. I love my dad, but hate the 3 hours away from MY HOME!

Sheeple, I have been thinking some of these "accidents" are not...but TPTB don't want us to know....I hope IF the us does retaliate... Bush does what Dan does....once you go for the throat..and DON'T LET GO!!!

I pray it doesn't go that route, but.....if it does......we HAVE to be victorious..OR it will be TEOTWAWKI.

Praying and prepping....

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

SAR, I wouldn't think that you would have any problems, given the areas where you will be traveling. Keep in mind that downtown Columbus (gov't offices) and Wright-Patt are much more appealing military targets. Good Lord willing, I have a closing to attend in MI on the 11th, which I think is a much scarier day. I think that might be a good day not to drive by that huge mosque that sits at the junction of I-75 & 475 in south Toledo. But you shouldn't have any problems. Just be sure that you have food, water, and the usual junk.

-- Anonymous, October 04, 2001

One y2k rule was to be sure to have maps showing alternate routes should one be cut off somehow.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

I may have discovered the answer to what the above was about. Yesterday it was leaked that the US was in the process of beginning the retalitory strikes and that one or more Coalition members and some Democratic Senators complained that it might cause problems to retaliate so the operation was halted. -0nly in America

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

I thought that was why Rumsfeld and Blair were jetting overseas, to stabilize any wobbly allies. I think TPTB would like to have as much approval as possible but if they can't get it, they'll go ahead and slap bin Laden upside the haid anyway, so this is more of a postponement than a cancellation.

I keep hearing too that the pragmatic Afghanis are prone to switch allegiances PDQ, depending on who appears to be on the winning side. The longer this goes on, the more support is given to the Northern Alliance, the more defections there are.

Blair has just arrived in Pakistan and is due in India next. Fox didn't mention his timetable but he could be back in England by tomorrow. The earliest any action could come would be, I'll guess, after sundown (Afghani time) on Saturday. (Did we decide Kabul is 9-1/2 hours ahead--I forgot.) My next guess would be before sunset next Friday. (This would lessen the effect on the western worforce, giving them the weekend to assimilate it and keeping great crowds of people from population centers--temporarily, at least.)

Anybody else got any theories?

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

Okay, my timing's a bit off. In Afghanistan, the sabbath is on Friday, with work ceasing on noon Thursday. Saturday and Sunday are normal work days.

Fox is reporting that Blair's departure to New Delhi is imminent so he could, conceivably, be back in England later today. Rumsfeld is in Uzbekistan--home later tonight too?

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

Just heard on CNN, Rumsfeld on the way home.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

Just put a post up, that says in part, the Government expects a terrorist attack when we start our operations. The FBI wil go into a 72 hour (I think the word used was) alert or something stronger.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

Big Military Strike Not Soon Expected

Updated: Fri, Oct 05 4:57 PM EDT

By PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Administration and European officials are signaling that a major military action may not come anytime soon, even as U.S. troops, warplanes and ships gather in the Gulf region.

Meanwhile, Taliban soldiers were reported Friday to be taking heavy weapons into the mountains of Afghanistan to await an assault.

There were growing signs that the coalition the United States is assembling for the anti-terrorism campaign is still struggling to decide exactly what to do.

Some have even raised the possibility that the campaign can be waged with little or no fighting - without the kind of military fireworks that Americans may expect.

"It will take time," Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said at a press conference in Turkey. "And we need the cooperation of countries around the globe."

Rumsfeld met with Turkish officials in his last stop on a five-nation tour to build support for the campaign in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Earlier Friday, officials said the Army's 10th Mountain Division flew from Fort Drum, N.Y., across the Atlantic en route to Uzbekistan to provide security for Air Force fighters and combat search-and rescue teams. Rumsfeld's trip also included talks in that Central Asian nation as well as in Saudi Arabia and Oman, all of which are expected to allow some military activities on their soil.

While the United States is getting some cooperation from allies in the Middle East, it's also increasingly clear that those allies - specifically the Saudis and Egypt - lack enthusiasm for U.S. military action that could inflame Muslims at home and abroad.

Rumsfeld appeared to lean more heavily on the message that military action may be relatively small. The French defense minister also has said that he does not expect a retaliation for several weeks.

Rumsfeld did not rule out the possibility of taking military action to ensure that the air defense forces of the Taliban in Afghanistan do not pose a threat to the delivery of American food aid to parts of the country. He said Thursday he was certain U.S. military planes would make airdrops of food, but said the details were being worked out in Washington.

But Rumsfeld also hedged on whether military action is inevitable.

"In the Cold War it took 50 years, plus or minus. It did not involve major battles."

He seemed to indicate that the first purpose of that growing military might is to apply pressure - as the freezing of terrorist groups' money is applying a financial squeeze - rather than to launch a major attack.

Military action in the form America is used to seeing it may never come, said Hy Rothstein, a former special forces colonel now working toward a doctorate at Tufts University.

A dearth of valuable targets in Afghanistan leaves communications systems, fighter training camps and other pieces of infrastructure in the poor and devastated nation as the main known targets for expensive bombs and missiles, he said.

"If use of forces is an extension of policy and our policy is to reduce terrorism, bombing a training camp is not going to make a difference," Rothstein said.

The United States has about 30,000 American military members are in the region, including two aircraft carrier battle groups and 350 planes.

The conventional buildup of forces for what many expect to be a war fought primarily by clandestine units has many other uses, analysts said. It positions troops to be ready for anything, it could deter Osama bin Laden from planning further attacks and it shows the American public that actions are being taken following the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington, said Retired Army Gen. Fred Woerner, chief of U.S. Southern Command when the United States was trying to capture Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega.

Analysts believe the Pentagon already has special forces advisory teams consulting with the anti-Taliban northern alliance, a group that could be trained and equipped for a larger effort among Afghan dissidents who may help overthrow the Taliban.

"It is feasible for the Afghans to do it themselves," Woerner said.

If that doesn't work, then the U.S. and its allies will "fall back to the sledgehammer," he said of the military buildup. "They're developing a range of options, the preferred being to get rid of bin Laden without any military action whatsoever."

"They've got it really well orchestrated," agreed retired Army Col. William Taylor of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "They're using military force as a backdrop for diplomacy ... the last resort if the diplomacy fails.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

If they're expecting another terrorist attack as soon as we retaliate, does that mean that our strike will be something they will tell us about, as opposed to all those "secret" missions we'll only hear about if there is some kind of leak?

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

>There were growing signs that the coalition the United States is assembling for the anti-terrorism campaign is still struggling to decide exactly what to do.

Sounds like disinformation to me. I believe the top brass knows exactly what they're going to do. As I said on another thread, they can't do it until they've got their troops and supplies into place.

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2001

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