Night flights 'breach human rights' : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Night flights to and from Heathrow Airport could soon be banned after the European Court of Human Rights said they infringed residents' rights.

The court decided flights between 11pm and 6am infringe a person's right to have a good night's sleep.

Airlines and airports across the country are likely to be affected by the decision, although it is not clear what short-term action the UK Government will take.

The case, brought against the Department of Transport by a group of residents living under the flight path, is also likely to have an impact on all other airports within the EU.

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2001


Heathrow Airport was there long before those houses. You buy near a large and busy international airport, you expect noise. The EU court is fond of issuing such edicts against business.

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2001

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