Problem creating Menus with Nero : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Please someone help! I have made numerous VCDs. Now I want to try and add a menu. I can't get it to even show up on my DVD player, or PC after it burned. What file format does the menu picture have to be in for Nero? How about ECDC Platinum? Is it possible my DVD doesn't support VCD menus? I plays the VCD alright. When burning, I get the Menu file - (1 1/2) then the mpeg files. All my DVD player plays is the MPEG files. I've tried the menu file in .jpg, .bmp, .mpeg, jsut about every thing. Won't work. Please respond with an answer, not a link to another page. I've been to No answers there...

Thanks in advance!

-- DRock Man (, September 07, 2001


There are a few VCD players around that give you the option of turning the menus on or off. Maybe it's off. Second, get an original pressed karaoke VCD (these are all known to be ver 2.0 menu-driven) and try it to verify your player's VCD menu capabilities. Nero 5.5.x.x accepts *.jpgs and *.bmps in menu creation (you check enable menu) and I've tried it and it works. There are bugs, but not of the type you have encountered. Lastly, logically, we want menus for the user to be able to choose specific play items from it. There is no point having a menu when there is only ONE play item. It could well be Nero demands at least two; if you put only one then it goes straight to it and plays it, your menus (from the bitmaps you included in your layout) notwithstanding.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, September 08, 2001.

Hi, For menu playback you will need your player has the option "Playback Control (PBC)" set as ON. In my pioneer player the PBC is on when you press the PLAY key . Otherwise (for example, if you press numerical keys) PBC is off.

Many few players based on software support menu. Try the windvd v2.3. It support full VCD and SVCD menus. It works for me !!!.

Also I have to tell you Nero has some few bugs for menu and still pictures. Try just a simple one page menu first. Set the (S)VCD as PAL format, because Nero has some problems with NTSC stills.

bye RM

-- Roberto Maureira (, September 13, 2001.

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