Y2K Emergency - Come in, Paula Gordon, Come in.....Earth Needs You, You're Our Only Hope Now!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

I've come out of self-imposed Y2K polly retirement for just this once in an attempt to reach Paula Gordon in this dire time of national emergency. Latent Y2K problems are just now beginning to cause chaos across the nation. Yourdons TimeBomb 2000 website is down, but thank goodness you guys are STILL here at Pooles Roost II rehashing Y2K - I guess I owe it to the mysterious tk! I knew I could count on you guys, especially you Charlie!

Paula, Here's the proof you've been looking for, you were right!

NEW YORK (AP) - Citibank's nationwide system of 2,000 automated teller machines crashed on Tuesday.

The cause of the outage, which began at 5 p.m., is still being investigated.

Citibank spokesman Mark Rodgers said repair crews were working to restore power to the national network late Tuesday.

About 2 million U.S. households hold consumer banking accounts at Citibank, he said.

"We are working very hard to fully identify the current problem with our systems and restore our systems as quickly as possible," he said. "We are also working to allow our customers to use other ATMs to get cash. Certainly we regret any inconvenience to our customers."

Citibank said it will waive any fees its customers incur because of the outage, including convenience fees charged by competing banks whose ATMs are used by Citibank customers.

Citibank, a unit of financial services giant Citigroup, is one of the largest consumer banks in the world.

What do we do, Paula? How can the collapsing national infrastructure be fixed? Can you reach Fraustchi (or whatever the heck his name was, lol), your embedded systems guru and find a fix? Can you hold another meeting of the fruitcake minds at GWU? The future of the earth depends on you!

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001


I'm not all that mysterious, David. (Though I suspect that Doc Paulie thinks that I work for the NWO!)

I do find the Y2K stuff interesting, since I guess I slept through it the first time around. And somehow, in spite of my slumber, I seem to have survived just fine.

Y2K is just one form of Internet hysteria, sucking in the paranoid, the looney, and the downtrodden. When you see people on this board who gave so much of their lives to what basically was a non-issue, and are now out there trying to recover, begging for anyone to give them a job, etc., it is indeed sad.

But, it sure gives one something to do during lunch hours and slack time. Welcome to "Poole's Roost II".

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

Truest words spoken on this forum, TK.

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

Quit talking to yourself TK.

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

I'm not TK, Buddy.

You can believe it or not, but it's the truth.

Just because others don't agree with you doesn't mean that the rest of us are the same person.

btw, I used to have respect for you a long time ago. Now I'm thinking you're nothing more than a hot-tempered, foul-mouthed, college-aged kid whose wife supports him. How much of that is right?

If you all would have shut up a long time ago, you might have been left with some respect in tact. Now.......

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

Gee, that means a lot coming from an anonymous poster.

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

btw, maybe you just don't understand my sense of humor

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

Here's another job for Paula.



Cleveland pays $10 million for Y2K Bug protection

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

City pays $10 million for Y2K Bug protection

A US city has paid $10 million to protect itself from the Millenium Bug - almost two years after Y2K day.

Cleveland is paying two computer firms around $500,000 each month to make sure the city is safe from Y2K disasters.

The cash is due because of contracts signed in the run-up to January 1, which passed off without a hitch in Cleveland.

City Council President Mike Polensek said: "The intent was not to give them a blank cheque.

"The council supported that because of what we were approaching and all the predictions of doom and gloom."

Cleveland has paid about $500,000 a month to the two computer firms, and part of the cash is paid for 'firewall security' and 'Y2K follow-up.'

Doommongers had predicted computers worldwide would crash because they used two-digit date systems and would misinterpret "00" as 1900, not 2000.

The city Mayor Michael White has come under fire for approving and re-signing the contracts, reports The Plain Dealer newspaper.

"Why we're still spending under a Y2K contract is a mystery to me," said Councilman Bill Patmon, chairman of the Finance Committee.

"I have never been able to get to the straight of it."


-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

The city Mayor Michael White has come under fire for approving and re-signing the contracts, reports The Plain Dealer newspaper.

OK, so there ya go, debunkers! Line up, lock 'n' load, troops!! This man obviously is possessed by a wicked meme that caused him to do this. He clearly deserves to be raked through the coals for engaging in such evil. Curse him, laugh at him, humiliate him, attack him from this holy ground of Poole's Roost II! Call for him to repent from his evil ways!!

And hey, if you are lucky, maybe he will even learn of it. (Though I doubt if he will care.)

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

Why do that? It's much more fun attacking you TK.

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

Why do that? It's much more fun attacking you TK.

Ahhh, but of course, exactly what the nutball cult needs -- an "innocent" to be sacrificed. Since I barely knew nor cared about the Y2K bug, I clearly am the perfect choice.

And so here I am, atoning for the sins of the Y2K ignoring world. Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they meme ... uhh ... mean.

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

Ah, but you're not an innocent. You came here and asked for it.

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

(And, as always, I'll let Buddy have the "last word". This way, he can believe that he is just like his hero, cpr. That, somehow, "he who posts last posts best".)

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001

Buddy, he didn't ask for it. He doesn't even understand when his chain is getting jerked. He represents the TRULY IGNORANT PRODUCT OF OUR CURRENT EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM with opinions formed and molded by 20- 60 second sound bites. Sickening but true.

And don't bother asking him to change his mind. Like Yore-Done-&-Taos- Toast-ED, "HE KNOWS WHAT HE KNOWS".

And the older he gets, the more calcified his views get. Notice his dismissal of even the concept of Meme or Thought Contagion. He knows JUST ENOUGH about it to be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that its BS. But just because it is BS to him does not make it so.

He needs one of the old BIFFY awards we dispensed to Klutzes like "Y2k Dave" and "Soybean Boy". For now, he gets the F.I. Award with a Glass Star.

F.I. of course is for Fucking Idiot.

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2001


You are probably 70% of the reason that I visit here on my lunch hours. You are so funny, just as you are. You don't have to be "Sister Catherine", you don't have to be "Loon", you can just be yourself, being completely serious.

You are a class A, numero uno, premium grade, authentic, genuine, nutball. And I thank you for being you.

-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001



-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001

I think TK kinda regrets the fact that he missed the fun we all had during the years before the roll over.

-- Anonymous, September 06, 2001

TK works for the NIPC and is "researching" this place and the creatures who hang here. Sadly he seems bent on becoming a little too involved with the party. Figures being he is nothing but a low-level nobody at NIPC to begin with.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

For historical purposes

Paula Gordon determines plane crashes actually caused by Y2K glitch

Not that any here had any doubts that PG is clinically bananas.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

BTW, since TK is a little slow, save the disk space turkey, the PG "material" is a joke, so save the taxpayers assets for the real good stuff.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

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