Are Vogelzang cookstoves any good? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I keep seeing a Vogelzang wood-buring cookstove for sale on eBay. Does anyone know if these are any good? I am attracted to the small size, but wonder if it will just fall apart in a few years. It definitely is an inexpensive stove (in the $600 range) but of course I always believe that you get what you pay for.

Comments/experience with these stoves?

-- Justin Shelton (, August 31, 2001


Vogelzang are chineese made units. Very lose fits, most are NOT UL approved and not mobile home certified. Check with your insurance, Can you even use them? I would never put a Vogelzang in my home, Maybe in the work shop where I need some cheap stove for ocassional use. They are pretty much bottom of the line. Note sure what Vogelzang is $600, most are under $400.

-- Gary (, August 31, 2001.

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