What does my goat have lice, mange, ticks, help

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I just got two pygmy goats, one of them was not in great shape, she never got to eat. Pushed away by all the other goats, so she is thin. Their living conditions were pretty dirty also. Well about 1 week after I got her, she got this roughh scaly skin in two places. And she chews, licks it all the time. She also scratches constantly all over. I have wormed her, and put BOSS on her back for lice, but will that kill mites or heal mange. Her sores are getting worse because she licks them constantly. It is not CL, vet tested and negative. What should I do? How do you treat mites or mange. They also never got any minerals of any sort, just hay and pellets.

-- Barbara Vozar (vozarbi@sensible-net.com), August 23, 2001


For the sores you can get swat or something similar .This will also keep the flies off.Lots of times the vet has more powerfull things than you can buy over the counter .If they where out already give them a call and see what they can recommend.

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), August 23, 2001.

Wow.... poor little goats. So glad you have them and care. Sounds like nutrition may be a big factor here as well as possibly ringworm. Here is a great website to go to for information http://www.saanendoah.com/goatss.html Hope this helps.


-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), August 23, 2001.

What is BOSS? An injection of ivermectin will kill most lice and mites. Mites are very itchy and makes her chew on herself. Ringworm like Bernice said is another idea. Any kind of fungaside like men use for jock itch will work for that. Put 5% sevin dust around their bedding, and retreat everything in a couple of weeks to catch any hatching eggs. Make sure and worm her. Good nutrition, grain, hay and loose minerals is really what she needs now. It will take a long time for her to get her skin back into shape and look good. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), August 23, 2001.

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