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BBC Sunday, 19 August, 2001, 02:00 GMT 03:00 UK Centre to study asteroid threat The Earth has little to fear, new research centre will sayThe potential risk of catastrophe from an asteroid striking the Earth will be explored at a new interactive science centre.
The government is setting up the innovative research and education centre to better inform the public about the possible effects of asteroid impacts.
Science minister Lord Sainsbury believes that reassurances will be given that the chances of disaster are "very remote", thanks to the new National Asteroid and Comet Information Centre.
This week museums and public information bodies will have the chance to say why they should run the centre.
Scientists believe that the cosmic bodies may have been responsible for wiping out the dinosaurs.
The initiative is part of the government's response to recommendations made last year by its Near Earth Object Task Force.
The centre will provide a fully interactive exhibition, website and information packs on the comparative risk of asteroid strikes, compared to other hazards, and the potential for damage if the Earth was hit.
Collision course
Lord Sainsbury said: "There are currently no known large asteroids or comets whose orbit puts them on collision course with the Earth, but while the risk of being hit is very remote, the potential for damage exists.
"I believe it is important that information on asteroids or comets can be made available to the public and hope that organisations will be able to respond positively to our call for proposals."
Space objects larger than 50 metres in diameter strike the Earth less than once every century.
The last known major asteroid impact happened in Siberia in 1908, when thousands of square kilometres of forest were flattened.
-- Anonymous, August 19, 2001
Sometimes I wonder if we want to know these things!!!!???
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
during the Disclosure video, there was a woman who said she was told that 'TPTB' would use various "reasons" to try and get weapons into space.The first was the enemy, Russia. Not really our enemy, but set up so people would grow used to having one.
Then it was terrorists. Sound familiar? She said that she was told 'they' would intensify the middle east situation to all out war.
The next one is asteriods. We would be told that we needed weapons in space to protect us from the threat of asteriods hitting and devestating our planet.
The last was a hoax threat of alien invasion. Well, they're here. They haven't destroyed us yet. Enslavement is something you will have to decide about on your own, though, in my opinion.
One military man asked if the aliens were peaceful. He asked Greer, that is. Greer pointed out that they had 'turned off' about 18 ICBM's simultaneously in two locations 50 miles apart, detonated a missile we had sent up to explode on the moon before it got there, and yet they have not attacked us. [In any sense we would recognize, I might add.]
There is a senator in Ohio who, next month, is going to introduce a bill that would prohibit weapons in space. This bill, if passed, would go far to eliminate the war machine from controlling space in the future. At the moment, all we have in space is 'war machine' hardware.
I am not so sure that we should prohibit weapons in space. Sure, we've had no threats from space so far, but what of the future. Maybe there are Romulans out there.
Oh yeah, there are six different types of aliens visiting us now. there is a base on the moon. The lunar orbiter photo'ed their base on the dark side of the moon.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
Greer also mentioned that he is starting up a company to build a power plant that does not pollute, or use fossil fuels, or nuclear. It is based in part on alien technology that we have in our possession now, and human ingenuity.He expects that one of the 'non-existent' alphabet agencies will try to stop him, and he is hoping they will. Once it hits the courts, they will go for discovery...well, you get the idea. A simple minded idea, I think.
The power plant, zero point something, will virtually end the war in the middle east, he says, because we won't need the oil anymore. Also, it will allow all those living in poverty around the world to have power, and rise up from poverty and become more than they are now. The small group of people who are basically running things now, the PTB as we call them, are against this. It will essentially put them out of business...
A lot to assimilate. We had to leave before it was over because we were starving. The two hours video is 2 and 1/2 hours long. The half hour break is ten minutes. Greer was in Miami on a vacation with his family and the symposium was a last minute thing that was thrown together by a few volunteers. Hmmm,.....I thought it was scheduled some time ago.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
Greer also seemed as though he welcomed the UN, although it was probably because they expressed an interest in his information. That I found rather startling. One would think that after all he has heard and learned, he would have a better idea of just what the UN is and wants.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
Barefoot, glad you got to see most of the presentation. It really "tests" your sense of reality, doesn't it? I mean, you see/hear all these people that seem to have good credentials, with valid previous postions in various government/industry positions, saying that the ET thing is real. Either they are all nuts, or they are telling you a lot of things that boggle the mind.The Greer thing in Miami might have been put together just a few weeks ago, as he said. I had not noticed it on his web site until about two weeks ago. Usually he has this sort of thing scheduled for months in advance. How many people were attending it?
As far as weapons in space, if the ETs are able to destroy any weapon we have, any time they want, why bother to continue to place such stuff out there? Lots of time and money wasted. Now, if we were putting some "peaceful" platforms out there, that would be different.
I agree with you about the UN. While Greer has done a lot of exceptional work on gathering all this information he does sometimes seem curiously optimistic about disclosing information, considering the past history of other people who have been stopped, it seems. Also, he maintains a very positive attitude about the ETs, and seems to feel they are *all* either benevolent or at least non-threatening. In that regard he is ignoring a lot of information that comes from other sources that say there are *some* benevolent ones, but also a bunch who are actively working to maintain control over us all.
You mentioned him talking about zero point energy. He is very involved in trying to get that technology into the mainstream. Frankly, I think we will end up with it anyway at some point in the future, but Greer feels we should be moving as fast as possible to produce this equipment right now. I think he correctly understands that the present powers in oil/gas/coal have no incentive or intention of supporting a technology that would ruin their business.
Perhaps the name Col. Tom Bearden came up? Bearden has some impressive credentials himself and has been working on zero point energy physics for a few years now. He has some technology that he is trying to bring to market. Maybe Greer is now aligned with Bearden on this matter. To read more about Bearden, here is a link.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
Thanks, mailman, for the cliff-notes. Gordon, will be running to your link later this afternoon.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
It may have been Beardon, yes. He mentioned so many names. there were about 200, I'd say. It was a small theatre, and we did a good job of filling it up. the lady in front of us, with the little girl, was saying it was a poor showing for two counties. I mentioned that we usually throw in Monroe county as well.I thought you had posted about it a while back, but now I see it was only 8-17. Felt like we had waited longer. LOL
The timeframe he gave for the power technology was 2004. A major power crisis was imminent for 2004.
the ET's showed that they could disable missles underground without touching them. They also showed they did not want them blowing up on the moon. they have not bothered with anything that orbits Earth.
Another thing he mentioned is a huge horseshoe shaped thing out west that we use to bring the ufo's down. Something that disrupts their gravity fields. It was a radar thing that was aimed at one that caused the crash at Roswell. the base that the Roswell wreckage was taken to still has an area cordoned off, and even the base commander is not allowed in there. One of those illegal alphabet agencies, ya know.
His book has a couple documents in his book, one from the NRO which is an agency that doesn't exist, which have not been de-clssified. He was told that he could be fined 10 thousand and imprisoned for 10 years for each copy he releases to the public. He figures he could settle the national debt with what he would owe if they actually took him to court over it. Interesting that no one has bothered him about it. If I had more cash on me, I would have bought one. As it was, I was running out of change because we parked where it was metered. After the video a lot of people went out and moved their cars like we did. Farther away it wasn't metered. I wonder though if there really was that many faculty there on a Sunday. I didn't check for decals on those cars.
I remember him mentioning Barry Goldwater. I think I have that name right. he was a general, and now a senator? Anyway, he had mentioned to Barry to ask a Colonel about getting into an area of a base that was limited access, and the base commander said he couldn't even get in there, and if Barry asked again he would be court-martialed and dis-charged. he didn't ask again. I think that was in relation to the Roswell debris.
It was all very interesting. I wish we could have stayed for the question answer period, but we were so hungry and had a long drive home to look forward to. As it was, we had a rough time getting home because we were discussing it and not watching traffic too much. Whew!
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
Barefoot, thanks for the cliff notes. Was it a different video than the press conference one available on his web site? Right now, he's scheduled to be in Boston in October.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
It wasn't the press conference, if that's what you mean. I think they showed this video there. I ahven't seen the press video, so I don't know.It started out with various photo's and films spliced together showing sitings of ufo's, then it went to the various people that were recorded in interviews as having been exposed to government projects involving ufo's, or incidences where they experienced ufo's. Commercial pilots, radar guys, for example.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
Greer says he has names of 450 people who will state to congress about what they have seen and experienced. Greer has only interviewed about 100 of them, and 69 are listed in the book, two anonymously.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
Regarding Tom Bearden, he is 70 years old now, and writes these papers in a technical way. He tries to make it as readable as possible but there is a lot of complicated physics involved. Most people will just have to try to read between the lines as best they can (and that includes me) in order to figure out what he is telling us about "free" energy.Actually, while the energy itself is always out there, like static electricity or lightning, it's free in that sense. Of course we will have to pay something for the "harvesting" equipment when that becomes available, but it will then be very cheap to use all the power when wish for our personal needs, including electric autos.
Some terms that may not be familiar to everyone are: The Vacuum, which is simply refering to space itself, or the seemingly uncluttered void between heavenly bodies. Over-unity, which means any device that puts out more energy than is put into it. Right now, with electric generators or electric motors, there is huge waste and while we are converting one form of energy into another, it's not economical in any true sense. Over-unity machinery will supply vastly more energy output than was used to run them, and in some cases once a motor is started it will not only produce shaft power but will also create its own energy field to keep it turning without any further outside supply to it needed. Bearden has his own web site and you might want to just browse the first few pages.
I started running into talk about this technology a few years ago and that's why I no longer am very interested or impressed with all the current traditional talk about wind generators, solar cells, etc. All that stuff is archaic compared to zero-point energy collection.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
Gordon, I would hope that solar, etc., would be archaic, but there is still the matter of how soon it will be available.I needed to replace my car. I settled for the Insight, hoping that by the time I am ready to trade it in (and that time will come) there will be something substantially superior on the market. The Insight is an interim solution to me, and I'm comfortable with that decision. OTOH, solar is a near lifetime investment, and I can't quite bring myself to do it.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001
Brooks, I looked at the Insight just after the rollover. Very interesting car and since it's a Honda it's probably got most of the bugs worked out prior to being offered for sale. Unlike what we would get from some US manufacturers who seem to love to use the public as their test bed for a new product. I notice on the Bearden site that he thinks the Japanese be offering some form of over-unity power system in the near future, based on electric technology.Personally, I think you can afford to just sit back and wait for this technology to arrive, and it may not be all that long now. As you note, solar is very expensive, and it requires a lot of extra attention due to inverters, battery banks, etc. I think that money put into solar will not pay off before we start getting the zero- point technology released. And while we are waiting, the electric rates will stabilize again and remain affordable until the changeover.
-- Anonymous, August 20, 2001