Can i use dolby digital 5.0 sound on SVCD? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hay. I've been making VCD'S Till now and i found out that SVCD Have much better quality of picture and sound and I've read that i can use multichanele sound on SVCD. so my questions is how can add the sound to my SVCD Movie in DD5.1 Format and not PCM format. Can i encode the sound in Soft encode in DD5.1 and than add it to the movie file that i already encoded in flask and mux them,and than ofcorse burn the final file as SVCD format to play on my DVD Player??? or can i add the DD5.1 sond as an optional selection in the final SVCD Like on DVD??? I Know its alot of questions but i'll be very happy to get a replay. thanks guys!

-- -er- (, August 10, 2001


SVCD audio is dead-on the same Layer-2 or 3 as that in VCD which means 2-ch and in turn means only analogue matrixing Dolby Surround, for example, can be used for any playback of anything with more than 2-ch. NO discrete 5-ch, therefore.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, August 11, 2001.

Here is a web site for you to read up on

-- tl (, August 12, 2001.

Can you do this? Yes. Will your standalone SVCD player play it? Probably. It is compliant with SVCD standards? Absolutely NOT!!! SVCD does support 5.1 multichannel audio, but only MPEG-2 5.1 audio at 44 MHz. Dolby is typically recorded at 48 MHz. Philips wrote the SVCD spec and, in my opinion, deliberately did not allow for Dolby AC3 so that their competing proposal for 5.1 multichannel audio (which is based on MPEG-2 audio) would have something to support it. I wrote an aritcle on how to try to make SVCD valid 5.1 multichannel audio at If you want to read the official SVCD spec sheet it's at

-- Jason (, August 13, 2001.

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