Thanks for all your help !! (Gas company condemned gas stove) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Wanted to say "Thank You !! " to everyone for their advice when the gas company "condemned" my kitchen stove last month. A very nice person has sent me a part for this stove and I will being sending a "special" thank you to them. My computer was not up and running the last month...lightening...and now back from visiting family in S.C. so sorry this " Thank You" is so late in coming. We actually found another independent propane dealer that doesn't really care what we have as appliances in our home..he just delivers the propane. As it should be, I guess. I guess eventually "the people" will want to know everything about us before we get any services before too long. Been thinking of moving one last time....maybe really back in the woods this time. I know you can't hide from civilization completely and wouldn't want not to be able to communicate with our Countryside family but somedays you just feel like that...know what I mean ?? Anyone with any suggestions ???

-- Helena Di Maio (, August 08, 2001


Greetings Helena, We had a similar experience when we tried to connect propane to our 1917 wood/coal/gas cookstove. One side is wood or coal and the other side is natural gas. We converted to propane, and 2 different companies would not even touch it. They did not want to be responsible for any problems. Well, we tried to do it "their" way and got nowhere, so we wound up doing it our way. One of the service men that was here suggested a former employee that was doing some work on the side, and we made a deal. We have portable propane tanks from an RV that we can alternate and refill so we never run out. I love cooking with this stove. I thought I'd have trouble learning but it was easy. I was actually more attentive on this stove than I was with that awful electric thing we took to the salvation army. Best wishes.

-- Charleen in WNY (, August 30, 2001.

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