Sick goat EMER. : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am new at goat ownership. We purchased a goat about 2 weeks ago He is an alpine pygmy cross and he is about 6 months. He is very small only 15-20 pounds. I have noticed over the past week that he has been getting up less and less and today he doesn't seem able to get up on his own He just lays there. A friend told me to check his gums and eyes and they are very white so I gave Him some worm medicine Ivemectin this morning and my friend had some fresh goat milk so we mixed in a little molasses and spoon fed him about a 1/4 cup. I don't know what else to do. Are there any other steps that I can take????

-- Angie (, August 07, 2001


Go to goat world .com .They have an emergency site and you can atlk to someone in your state that can help.Can you call a vet or the person you got him from to see if he was wormed or vacc ?

-- Patty {NY State} (, August 07, 2001.

Maybe coccidia? You need a sulfa drug to treat this parasite, like Albon or Corid.

-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (, August 07, 2001.

Have you taken his temp? normal temp rectally on a goat is about 102 degrees. What have you been feeding him? and what other types of shots, etc has the other person mentioned doing? It may be cocci, to get more information go to the Saanandoah site, heres the addy: You started off on the wormer so that should help. I would suggest taking his temp, then giving him some type of immuno supplement such as Immuno-G or ID-1 or even Goat stress formula, the goat stress is available at hoeggers. Have you listened to his chest to see if he is congested? Might be pnemonia too depending on condition. After moving they will experience stresses and have some adjustment issues. The milk with a little molassess was a good idea, that will give him some energy. you might also want to try treating for cocci by using albon as mentioned or co-rid. If you do a shot of Vit B would help too. hope this helps. good luck.


-- Bernice (, August 07, 2001.

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