PC tips Trend Virus Updatesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
1. TREND MICRO UPDATES: Pattern File and Scan Engine Updates ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PATTERN FILE: 919 http://www.antivirus.com/download/pattern.asp SCAN ENGINE: 5.450 http://www.antivirus.com/download/engines/ 2. Dangerous and High Risk -- TROJ_SIRCAM.A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TROJ_SIRCAM.A has now been upgraded to HIGH RISK as it is spreading rapidly around the globe for more than a week now. This worm propagates via email using SMTP commands by sending copies of itself to all addresses listed in an infected user's address book. It arrives in an email with a random subject line and an attachment by the same name. It also propagates via shared network drives. Trend Micro has made available, in the Trend Micro Virus Information Center, tools and instructions to remove TROJ_SIRCAM.A in case of infection. For more information about TROJ_SIRCAM.A and removal instructions, visit Trend Micro at: http://www.antivirus.com/vinfo/virusencyclo/default5.asp?VName=TROJ_SIRCAM.A In addition, you can track TROJ_SIRCAM.A infections around the world at the Trend Micro World Virus Tracking Center at http://wtc.trendmicro.com. TROJ_SIRCAM.A is detected by Trend Micro pattern file #917. 3. 10 Most Prevalent In-The-Wild Malware Surveyed by Trend Micro US (week of: July 16, 2001 to July 22, 2001) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. TROJ_SIRCAM.A 2. VBS_HAPTIME.A 3. PE_MAGISTR.A 4. TROJ_BADTRANS.A 5. JS_KAKWORM.A 6. TROJ_CHOKE.A 7. PE_MAGISTR.DAM 8. TROJ_BYMER 9. TROJ_HYBRIS.M 10. JOKE_SCROLL.A SPECIAL OFFER: Webmasters, add free virus information updates to your Web site with our Virus Info Feed. Simply copy and paste a small piece of code to give your visitors a real-time top 10 list and the latest virus advisories. Setup takes approximately 10 minutes and requires no server-side code on your Web site. All content is updated automatically from Trend Micro's Web site. http://www.antivirus.com/syndication/vinfo/default.asp?ref=nwsltr 4. Top 10 Viruses Trend Micro's US Customers are Most Concerned About (where systems were not infected) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. TROJ_SIRCAM.A 2. TROJ_SUB7.22.A 3. TROJ_MADBOX.B 4. TROJ_FUNSO.A 5. PE_MAGISTR.A 6. VBS_VBSWG.GEN 7. TROJ_SUB7.BONUS 8. TROJ_HYBRIS.B 9. TROJ_BADTRANS.A 10. PE_FUNLOVE.4099 5. Infected with TROJ_SIRCAM.A? Get Trend Micro PC-cillin 2000 for 10% OFF!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you are infected with TROJ_SIRCAM.A or any other virus, you know your existing desktop virus protection is not doing the job. You need Trend Micro PC-cillin 2000. PC-cillin detects 100% of in-the-wild viruses and protects you against new viruses as they emerge. So if you got infected by TROJ_SIRCAM.A, buy PC-cillin now to be protected against the next big virus.
-- Anonymous, July 31, 2001