Have your home video transferred to long-lasting VCDgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Digital Video Dynamics (http://vcdtransfer.com) provides full-service transfers of home video to VCD. We don't transfer copyrighted material, so please don't waste your time or ours by asking. Get VCDs with multiple tracks, menus, custom title screens, professional transitions, and custom artwork (VCD labels & jewel case inserts). We offer editing, video cleanup (color, brightness and contrast enhancements) as well as video filtering. Makes great gifts for family, and great fundraisers for organizations (special pricing for quantity orders).
-- Brenda Sutton (info@digital-video-dynamics.com), July 30, 2001
Dear Brenda, Iam from India. Iam in a group called The kottayam mens voices, a choral singing group. i am the current secretary. We had a programme where we took a viedo its ok but the vocal track is not good i want to modify it hence the request. pl help. we are amatures regards
-- Gibu George (gibugeorge@mm.co.in), August 04, 2001.