Corn burning stove (anyone familiar with Snowflame 2100?) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Has any one used the "Snowflame" 2100 corning burning stove?

Does it preform well and would you recommend purchase of this model?

I live in central WI and have a interest in burning corn.

Thank you.


-- William Rutter (, July 20, 2001


I saw a review in a Farm magazine I have and the people claimed to have used 150 bushel of corn on an 1800 sq foot home in Iowa They are very satisfied after coming from using wood for 24 years. I am looking for an alternative like this too and would be curious if you arrived at any decision yet?

-- Kevin Wise (, September 05, 2001.

The snowflame stove burns corn and leave a biscuit in the fire box. As the stove continues to burn the biscuit gets bigger and bigger. Depending on how much heat you are getting out of the stove, will depend on how often you have to remove the biscuit / klinker. I had one of these and really like the stove except for that feature. Remember there are + and - for each stove.

-- Bob Akers (, January 28, 2002.

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