Panasonic DVD-A320U for (DVD/Video CD/CD) : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

My brother sent me some Video CD from Hkg, I was able to watch some but not the other.(I'm from States) Is there anyway I can watch thru Panasonic or shall I just forget it? How about watching on the pc? Called Panansonic but they are no help.(the manual is in Spainish, somehow) Any help from you would be greatly appreciated

-- Susie Wong (, July 20, 2001


Some discs from HK are in PAL format (in North America we use NTSC). If you bought your DVD player from the States, it probably doesn't support that. Best bet is to purchase models imported from HK (you should be able to find them at Chinese operated video stores) because those models can play both PAL and NTSC discs.

-- Andy Yu (, August 10, 2001.

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