CATS Like Babies In : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
We have two litters of kittens in the kitchen. One litter is a week old, the others were just born this morning.The only problem is...when one kitten starts to cry, all the others join in and then they have a contest to see who can be the loudest. This upsets the old housecats, who pace and yowl 'til the mamas get their babies settled.
One of the older kittens managed to go over the wall this evening and waddled towards JR, our 20-pound tom. He backed away from the screeching fluff ball as if it were an alien. He jumped on top of the fridge and cried 'til I put the kitten back. What a
-- Anonymous, July 03, 2001
brings back many memories!!!!! I am all mine "fixed" and don't plan of replacing any!
-- Anonymous, July 04, 2001
Record them on tape. sell the tape to folks who are considering not getting their cats fixed.Your vet will love you.
-- Anonymous, July 04, 2001
But to be fair, then there are the few times when everyone is settled down and purring. So sweet! Otherwise, a litter of kittens is as one author, not I, said, "A roving squad of furry commandos."
-- Anonymous, July 04, 2001