Pessimism is easier when you read the newspaper : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

This link will take you to an interesting letter from economist Julian Simon to the Washington Post.

Julian Simon


-- Jose Ortega y Gasset (, July 03, 2001


While the *news* is great at introducing a negative bias it rarely takes a truly negative story and covers it in depth... keep things superficial otherwise they'll never stick around for the commercial...rememeber when it comes to the media, you are the product on a couple of levels...

-- Will (, July 03, 2001.

Julian always did write too much about too little. Worst part actually was the Willie Sutton quote. Willie never said "Because that's where the money is." but he should have. Train of thought could have made him a journalist.

-- Carlos (, July 04, 2001.

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