FYI my pc and mail... : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Just wanted to post here, that all problems with PC have been found to be a hardware problem so parts are on the glad they finally found the problem!

Also, PLEASE if you have sent me mail, and I have not mailed you back, A. my mail has been screwed up terribly, and B. I just found the new software, separating junk mail is also taken legitamit mail!

I have things to post here, but have to lay down...bad head ache...just wanted to check in to all forums I frequrnt, then doing to "drug out" today, this is one that if I don't lay down, I will be sick, will be on later.

So glad it is not US!!!! but they should have bound it 3 weeks ago!

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2001


SARO, glad to hear the 'puter problem is on its way to being fixed. Now, go take care of yourself!

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2001

Gawd, I HATE when you have a headache. Does that mean bad weather is imminent?

-- Anonymous, July 03, 2001

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