Humor (have to be a woman!!!) : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

ONE RAINY MORNING, my mother went for her daily run. As she returned to the house, she slipped and fell, hitting her head on the driveway. I called the paramedics. When they arrived, they asked my mom some questions to determine her coherency. "What is today?" inquired one man. Without hesitation, Mom replied, "Trash day." -- Contributed to Reader's Digest "Life In These United States" by Jaime Swart

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2001


Quick! Name the other six days!

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2001

Church day.

Laundry day.

Mopping day. (mucking?)

Visit Grandma day.

Balance the checkbook day.

Mowing day.

-- Anonymous, June 30, 2001


-- Anonymous, June 30, 2001

Here's a cold beer, Carl, now go sit down in front of the tv again and please try to behave yourself...

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2001

Why Brooks, I always behave, just sometimes badly...

-- Anonymous, July 01, 2001

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