Sexing chicks : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have 2 week old silking chicks and I would like to know how to sex them? Thank you, Melissa

-- Melissa Pearson (, June 28, 2001


Silkies are extremely difficult to sex at that age.

Sometimes you can tell at a fairly young age by looking at the comb, but it may be a few weeks until you can be pretty sure.

In a few weeks, the males will have a larger, bumpier, purplish comb.

The females will have a much smaller blue comb that is smoother and rounder. Good luck!

-- Cathy <>< (, June 28, 2001.

I forgot to mention that the males will have a larger crest that comes to a point at the back, and the females will have a small, round crest with no point.

-- Cathy <>< (, June 28, 2001.

I am raising 7 half-silky chicks and some of the chicks have a bald triangle-shaped spot right above their beak. I also noticed that these are more dominant than the rest and cheep alot louder! They are slightly larger than the others too so i am asuming these are the males. I hope I have been of some help to you! Good luck!

-- Katie (, October 22, 2001.

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