UNEX - Odd Statistics from my webpage

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Been snowed under lately, not much time on, but had some surfing time this evening. Popped into my Mar's page and was suprised by the stats... seems I've been getting a lot of visits from Sun OS boxes lately, the main page and the Phobos Towers page mostly. I don't use cookies to track, but you don't need those to tell operating systems... SUN OS is NOT your run of the mill end-user... curious...

-- Anonymous, June 26, 2001


Hmm, that IS curious. But better than something ending in .gov :)

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

Like I said, I don't cookie, so .gov wouldn't show.. Sun OS IS .gov...

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

Hi Carl, I haven't visited your site in quite a while. That is odd, though about the SUN OS's. Have you done any more sleuthing, since Jan-Feb?

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

Oh. Oops. Not good, then.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

Carl: Could ya post a link to your website (Mars pics)? I don't have it in my fav's any more. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

http://www.geocities.com/clill y54/

Haven't added anything new in a while, but still get visits from other sites that have me linked, plus Google searches. I've had a few Sun boxes peeking in in the past, along with a collection of Linux, Iris, and NT systems, but the majority are of course Windoze 95/98... then I noticed a flurry of Sun OS profiles showing up over the last few days, kind of caught my eye. You'd don't see many home users with Sun workstations :)...

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

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