CLINTON - Talks at $9000 a : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread |
Adelaide AdvertiserClinton talks at $9000 a minute By Political Reporter KIM WHEATLEY 20jun01
FORMER US President Bill Clinton will be paid almost $9000 a minute to speak in Adelaide at next year's information technology congress, the State Opposition says.
In estimates committee hearings yesterday, Labor Leader Mike Rann suggested the $500,000 bill could pay for 40 hip or 30 heart bypass operations, or 45 extra university places.
But the Government said that much of Mr Clinton's fee would be paid by the conference's corporate sponsors and delegate registration.
"The Olsen Government has the wrong priorities in its massive expenditure of consultants and public relations gimmicks," Mr Rann said outside Parliament. "Now we are hearing rumours that the cost of the Clinton visit may be in excess of his $500,000 speech fee and could include security and other items."
Mr Clinton, who left office in January will be the key speaker at the World Information Technology Congress at the Adelaide Convention Centre in February.
Last week, Premier John Olsen described the Clinton visit as a "real coup" for SA.
He also said the Government had contributed $1.3 million to the congress budget of about $10 million.
Spokesman for Mr Olsen, Peter Gandolfi, said the congress would draw 1700 to 1800 delegates, which would mean significant economic spin-offs for SA.
"Our $1.3 million for the conference turns into more than $10 million for the SA economy," he said.
"It will highlight SA to the IT world – this is the highest-level IT conference in the world."
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001