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The Tips & Tricks Newsletter is back! Enjoy these tips...
TOP TIPS 1. Tweak Your Taskbar 2. Kill Those Pop-ups 3. Stop Cell Phone Eavesdropping 4. Basic PC Troubleshooting 5. Improve Swap File Performance 6. Speed Up Your Surfing FEATURE ARTICLES 1. Neighborly Networking
TIP OF THE WEEK Windows Tip: Enabling DMA
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+--+--+--+--Top Tips-+--+--+--+--+--+
TWEAK YOUR TASKBAR Customize your Windows desktop by tweaking your Taskbar Options. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=354744&d=1476585
KILL THOSE POP-UPS This great download will help you zap those annoying pop-up ads. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=354744&d=1476586
STOP PHONE CELL EAVESDROPPING Understand the difference between analog and digital phones to stop snoopers. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=354744&d=1476587
BASIC PC TROUBLESHOOTING Before you go to the repair shot, try these tips. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=354744&d=1476588
IMPROVE SWAP FILE PERFORMANCE Make Windows use memory better by adjusting your swap file. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=354744&d=1476589
SPEED UP YOUR SURFING Get hot tips for zippy Web surfing. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=354744&d=1476590
+--+--+--+--Feature Articles-+--+--+--+--+--+
NEIGHBORLY NETWORKING Learn about making a Neighborhood Area Network (NAN) to connect to the Net. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=354744&d=1476591
+--+--+--+--Help Site of the Week-+--+--+--+--+--+
OLDSKOOL.ORG Can't get your favorite old game to run on your new PC? This site will help you out. http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=354744&d=1476592
--+--+--+--+-Tip of the Week--+--+--+--+--+
Enabling DMA can speed up your hard drive access time.
To activate DMA In Windows 98:
1. Right-click My Computer and select Properties. 2. Click on the Device Manager tab. 3. Click on Disk drives. Then select your hard drive and click on the Properties button. 4. Click on the Settings tab. Check the DMA check box if it is not checked.
If the check box is grayed out, your motherboard chipset doesn't support the busmaster interface. If you have problems booting, reboot in safe mode and turn off DMA.
To learn how to enable DMA in Windows 2000 and more, read This tip on the web: http://tm0.com/sbct.cgi?s=88815319&i=354744&d=1476593
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
Cleaning Up The Microsoft Internet Explorer ToolbarYou may well not need all the icons in the Microsoft Internet Explorer toolbar. Why not remove the ones you never use? To do this, run Microsoft Internet Explorer and choose View|Toolbars|Customize. When the Customize Toolbar dialog box opens, click any object in the right pane that you don't need and then click Remove.
On the other hand, if you'd like to add some buttons to the toolbar, you can click on the desired button in the left pane of the dialog box and then click Add.
When finished, click Close.
- Sue Whitehouse
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
Sites Drop FreeloadersFaced with bankruptcy, many sites are beginning to charge users for services.
By James Hamilton, Tech Live June 18, 2001
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Surprise, surprise. The free ride on the Web is coming to an end. Ever since the dot-com bubble burst, new economy companies are learning what the old economy has known for a long time: Make money or go out of business.
The multitude of dot coms that once offered online services for free are either closing up shop or biting the bullet and charging customers.
The latest free site casualty is online storage site i-drive, which ended its consumer service and told users to download their files by June 18 or lose their stored data. Now if Web users want to store files online they'll have to go to X-drive, which charges users a fee.
Photo sites that let users store, share, and edit their digital photos online are also feeling the tough times. Last week, free photo site Zing closed down, and competitors like PhotoPoint and Club Photo.com have begun charging users.
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
Speaking of tweaking task bars, how do I eliminate some of the icons in the lower right panel? A couple snuck in that weren't supposed to show up, and right or left clicking isn't giving me an option to poof them.
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
Brooks, I always thought you could right click and exit, but I have some programs that don't have that option, so maybe someone more PC savy can help us...I just post the links... :^ ) !!
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
Well, I have a right-click option to either disable or close "StartCenter". Is that what I want??
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
Hmmmm really don't know...where are the techies when you need one!!!!
-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001
Brooks, if you use start center, then you don;t want to close or disable it.if you can get into start center, look for the set-up section, or maybe something like preferences. You want to find an option having to do with task bar icon, or just icon. That is what you want to disable, not the program itself. Unless you don't use it, that is.
if you don't use it at all, then try to diable it completely so it doesn't load at boot up.
No sense running something you ain't using, it just slows you down.
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001
The problem is that there are now 12 of those little icons, they insist on hogging a double row, and it requires time to load up. I'm talking about programs I will want to use occasionally, but don't need the hot button approach available.I'll try your suggestions tonight. It would help to know what a "StartCenter" was.
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001
Brooks, I have to shut off or shut down MSN messenger, real player, weather bug and webshots every time I restart. most have a right click and exit. Real player has "exit start center"...now...since my DH stuck all the Sh...stuff on here, I have NO Clue to remove them, other then each and EVERY time I log on!
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001
Brooks, go to the start button, right click, go to find, click, type startcenter.exe and search your main hard drive.If itcomes up, look at where it is, then explore that folder it is in, and see if there is anything about preferences, options, or set up that you can get into.
Start center, if I can make an educated guess, is probably a program to speed up the loading of programs that you use most often, and may be something by Norton. I don't have it on my computer, so it isn't anything connected with windows 98. W98 has 'quick launch' which is an icon section of the speed bar.
Oh, the speed bar is that which has the start button on it, and all those annoying icons.
You could probably close all but one of those icons and still have the startcenter available to you, but if you don't know what it is, you probably wouldn't miss it if it was gone.
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001