Milne, the Superdoomer, banned for a week at : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
-- (, June 18, 2001
It looks like "old home" week with Invar, Wild Weasel and the others. I see that tempers have not cooled since rollover.
-- I (, June 19, 2001.
I thought Dennis said that everyone was past Y2K and they were all good buddies now. LOL
-- (Olson@wrong.again), June 19, 2001.
His wife sounds as whacky as he does......YIKES!!Apparently, there's another one of them 'life and death' things going around.
-- Deano (, June 19, 2001.
I believe Flint determined that Paul is now posting as his wife, which would explain the similarity in posting style. I wonder if he's wearing her clothes while posts also. LOL!!
-- (milne@is.wacko), June 19, 2001.
"I believe Flint determined that Paul is now posting as his wife"You have got to be kidding me. This little pig farmer has really and truly lost it now hasn't he.......
Are all pig farmers as all knowing as this one??
-- Deano (, June 19, 2001.
I can't speak for Milne, but just because one is a pig farmer doesn't mean that one is an ignoramus. Remember, all of the brains in this country aren't necessarily in the large metropolitan areas, despite what the media would have you believe.
Now I have to run; the inbred albino kids down the road are tuning up their banjos, and boy can they play! : )
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), June 19, 2001.
JI understand that all pig farmers are not Paul Milne. My sarcasm was only directed at him and meant no offense to any other pig farmer anywhere.
Just seems funny to me that this guy can say, without hesitation, that 'we are giving you information that will mean the difference between your life and your death. You'd be a fool not to heed my words."
Sorry, but I have to poke a little fun at that.
-- Deano (, June 19, 2001.
Same ol' Milne. Same shit, different day.
-- Buddy (, June 19, 2001.
No offense taken here. I just happen to know some pig farmers, and they in no way resemble what I can recall of Paul Milne. Without an exception, there is neither a dullard (as I thought you were implying) nor an abrasive one (as Milne can be) amongst those whom I have met.
I rarely venture onto other fora, especially if they are on that cursed EZ Board (now there's an oxymoron), so I am only getting the story from 'over there' as it filters back 'over here'. Not to say that there is anything inferior about other fora, but if I were to go over there with no other agenda than to gawk, I would feel like I were slowing down to look at a car accident. : )
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), June 19, 2001.
And a gawd-awful car wreck at that!!I read it and IT IS hysterical!
-- Deano (, June 19, 2001.
Keep up, J. They're not on EZBOARD anymore. They're on infopoop. Like every other forum on the internet, there ARE some nice people who post there.
-- Anita (, June 19, 2001.
Nor do I claim otherwise. In fact, your comment was the exact reason that I wrote, "Not to say that there is anything inferior about other fora".
I am not judging another forum; I am merely stating that I do not feel that it would be right for me to visit other fora just to catch up on their dirty laundry.
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), June 19, 2001.