Common Fallacies : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I think most here are guilty at times of careless thinking. Certainly I have done some of that, though not for many years (LOL). Here are some common modes of fallacious thought.

More than a little ad hominem around here.

-- Lars (, June 09, 2001


Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc merits Ad Hominem

-- (Plato@Plato's.Retreat), June 09, 2001.

Thanks, Lars. I'm afraid some of the denizens of this forum might go there to brush up on their technique and learn a few new tricks.

-- Little Nipper (, June 09, 2001.

There is clearly no ad hominem going on around here whatsoever. None. I've read several posts on this forum that have had no ad homenem attacks, so they clearly don't exist here. If there were, I would have read them. Personally, I think anyone who would stoop so low as to falsely accuse a forum of heartless and cruel ad hominem attacks and other fallacies is truly sub-human. Perhaps you should be deleted and banned for life for making this outrageous statement. After all, only a complete moron would really think there was any ad hominem attacks going on here. There simply isn't any because there are none. And because there are none, there should be a banned persons list. There weren't ANY problems until YOU showed up, so perhaps YOU caused all these problems you're seeing. So are you going to admit what a LIAR you are??? HUH??? Besides, I know lots of people who don't think there is any ad hominem going on here, so it's obviously true. SO THERE.

-- (common@phall.uses), June 11, 2001.

Ad hominem is fun. Anyone who doesn't understand that is a moron.

-- (Paracelsus@Pb.Au), June 11, 2001.

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