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Personalized Favorites MenuIf you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or the new Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 (preview), you can instruct the program to display only those Favorites that you use most frequently. To do this, run Microsoft Internet Explorer and choose Tools|Internet Options. When the Internet Options dialog box opens, click the Advanced tab. Now locate "Enable Personalized Favorites Menu" and its check box. Click OK to close the dialog box and record your selection.
- Sue Whitehouse
-- Anonymous, June 07, 2001
Thanks, SAR. I tried doing that (I have the box, I checked it). I don't see a difference. When does it come up?
-- Anonymous, June 07, 2001
Sue, I don't understand what this does to help. Please be more specific. Thank You. ""you can instruct the program to display only those favorites that you use most frequently""
-- Anonymous, June 07, 2001
Sorry, I meant---SAR01 (rauch01@yahoo.com)
-- Anonymous, June 07, 2001
Johnny, sometimes my memory isn't very good. Ahem, frequently my memory isn't very good. I hope you'll forgive me when I tell you I don't recognize your handle. Do you have another, more familiar handle or have I lost a few million more brain cells?
-- Anonymous, June 07, 2001
Yeah, I had forgotten it. Maybe it was beebartwo ? I'll try that. But please answer the question.
-- Anonymous, June 07, 2001
Yep, that was it! Thanks, BeeBar.SAR is having satellite service put in today, so she's a bit busy--don't know if it's finished or not. I don't use the favorites thing--Carl might know. Don't worry, someone will answer eventually.
-- Anonymous, June 07, 2001
I think it's an automatic thing. the listing of your favorites was originally all the folders, and any single sites that you did not catagorize.As you use your few frequent ones, the others will 'shrivel' up, making the tab shorter. to see the less frequently used ones, just hold the mouse over the arrow, and in a second the rest will magically appear.
[I think they stole the idea from somewhere else. It works, and is a good one.]
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2001
Thanks, Barefoot. I will give it a try.
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2001
I don't know what happened, but I guess I am both Johnny Crica and beebartwo !
-- Anonymous, June 08, 2001
JohnnyCirca, I think Barefoot has it right, I think it happens automatically, I followed all the instructions, and didn't have the box TO CHECK, then realized we are using IE5 right now.Hope you got it to work.
-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001