BUSH Holds Up Release of Reagan Papersgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
US Holds Up Release of Reagan Papers, that be GW BUSH who is holding up the release. Want accuracy in Journalism, hope Yahoo don't mind the correction to their intentional and misleading headline.Hmm I wonder what they are worried about? And who gets to pay the Lawyers to shift thru this pile of Reagan doodlings, huh?
-- (too@funny.haha), June 07, 2001
What no comment by the Simpletons on this thread?BHAhahahahahaha
-- (too@funny.haha), June 07, 2001.
blah blah blah socialists blah blah taxes blah blah blah Whitewater blah blah blah blah Clinton's penis blah blah blah
-- libs are dummies (not@here.not.ever.no.way.no.how), June 07, 2001.