HILLARY AND BILL - Still running the Democratic Party?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Rush Limbaugh Folks, I want to prep you people for something. In due course, we're going to learn it is not Tom Daschle running the Senate. It is Hillary and Bill Clinton who are running it. I'm serious. I think that's what's going on. Tom Daschle is the new front man, but Hillary has FBI files on everybody.

Hillary is the one who put her foot down and said basically, "No, Strom Thurmond is not going to go home, and if he does we're not sending somebody home to balance it out. If he's too old to handle it, then he dies, but we're not sending anybody home."

If you watch C-SPAN2 and watch the Senate every time there's a caucus of senators, you'll see her broad beam in the mix. Cindy Adams in her gossip column in The New York Post says that she has it on good authority that it was not Tom Daschle that finally persuaded Jim Jeffords to switch, but rather it was Bill Clinton in a long-distance phone call from Europe.

Adams also reported that Clinton has plans to set himself up as a roving ambassador without portfolio. He's just going to go to these countries to start negotiating and representing things without any authority from the Bush administration, and he's going to challenge them to make him stop.

So, I'm telling you, these people are not gone. They are still running the Democratic Party.

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2001

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