New report,: Taxes are Good for your income! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
too@funny.haha), May 31, 2001
CB O: Income, Taxes of Wealthy UpThe report said that from 1979 to 1997, the portion of all federal taxes paid by the best-off 1 percent of households has grown from 15.5 percent to 23 percent. That represents 48 percent growth in their share of the tax burden over the period.
Over the same time, the average after-tax income of that wealthiest 1 percent swelled from $263,700 to $677,900 - a 157 percent increase.
The lowest-earning one-fifth of Americans saw their average after-tax income drop from $10,900 to $10,800 during the period, the study showed. And the middle one-fifth of Americans, by income distribution, went from a $33,800 average to $37,200 - a 10 percent increase
-- try that again (too@funny.haha), May 31, 2001.