UNEX - Coral Castle marvel

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A lot of head scratching and guessing has gone into trying to explain how the Great Pyramid, and other such wonders around the world, were built by people who had very little technical knowledge, or any sophisticated complex heavy machinery for that matter.

We can get a first hand look, and some tempting explanations (with much food for thought) by reviewing what *is* known about a similar type structure right in Florida, south of Miami. It was built by Ed Leedskalnin in the 1920s and 30s. He claimed he discovered some of the ancient secrets to cosmic power which can be tapped for our own use. Whatever the facts are, it's far beyond any traditional scientific explanation, and even beyond most current scientific interest for that matter.

Here are two links to some of the stories about this place, which Leedskalnin called Rock Gate Park, but which was latter changed by the new owners to Coral Castle after his death.

Link 1

Link 2

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001


Coral Castle is a few blocks away from me. if you are ever in the area, I urge you to check it out. But not during the middle of the day in high summer or when it's raining....

Fascinating place, truly.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001


I thought it might be near you. Wish I could spend some time there right now, especially after reading some of the reports. Since you are so close, that means you are sitting in the crosshairs of the energy grid that is being mentioned. I have seen that business of earth energy grids come up before. Beginning to get real interested in it. It also could mean that there would be more UFO activity there.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

I had screwed up Link 1, but it's fixed now. Barefoot, what's the deal with not going during the summer or in the rain? Also, what are your own thoughts and impressions after being there? I note that Ed did all his building at night, not during the daytime.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

not going during the summer in the middle of the day is because it is HOT. the walls are very high, and so very little breeze actually gets in.

If you go when it is raining you get wet, since there is no roof.


-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

It really is a fascinating place. Expensive as far as tourist attractions go. I think it was 7 bucks a head back when I went last some years ago.

The method/methods he used are sort of explained as magical by the guides, although they do show you the block and tackle he allegedly used. Rather primitive, but then again just how much improvement can be made to the basic design of the tools?

The fact that he did most of his work at night has to do with the nosey neighbors, and I suspect the weather as well. They say that he had a sense of being watched and would do nothing when he felt the presence of others. There was a mention of one time when someone saw him levitating a large slab of coral with no tools being used, just his hands moving along the slab, one below and one above. I suppose he knew the person was watching but was in the middle of the procedure and couldn't stop.

My favorite feature of the place is the door that he mounted using the axle of an old Ford. At the time I was there last, the door could not be used, and the motion was limited to a few inches and only by the guide. they have since fixed the door, but it took two large cranes [not the feathered type] to do it.

My system crashes when I try to connect to your links. It's an internal thing that it does, not because of the links. I'll get to them eventually. heh heh

As to the energy grid, I haven't read anything about that. We are on one of the points of the Bermuda triangle though so I suppose it is something to consider.

The castle itself can be seen as one drives down US 1. I'd say it is hard to miss, but I forget to look for it when I drive by, unless the light turns red at that intersection. I grew up near Parrot Jungle, which is being relocated to an island near downtown, Watson island I think it's called. Another favorite of mine is Monkey Jungle, also nearby. this one is different in that the tourists are in the cages for the most part, and the monkeys are free to roam around the hammock it is located in. Around the corner from that was Orchid Jungle, but the owners won the lottery and closed it down, shortly after Andrew came thru. I think they sold the land to someone who built a house ont he property. Been awhile since we drove over that way. We usually get towards that area when we need stuff for the fish pond, which we haven't done in a while.

I'll tell ya one thing. If I could swing it, I'd love to put those coral slabs around my property, and then embed shards of glass on top. LOL

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

I went to Parrot Jungle with the in laws one August.... Almost didn't make it out alive! LOL... I can only imagine with the high walls, how hot it would be. I've never been to this "tourist trap", but would like to see it one day.

As to the "Bermuda triangle" angle... a long time ago (like 25 years) ago, I was staying on a boat at the Jockey club... Barefoot, is that still around?

Anyway, a friend of mine and I were watching out of the pilot house, facing East. Saw a very brilliant "star" probably 10 miles or so due East. Watched it for about 15 min, and it seemed to "change color".

Got out the binoculars, and watched (several times) small, brilliant white lights "flit" from the object to the water, and back. Truly odd, but we weren't drinking, until after the fact... Manhattans... woo hoo... (smacking myself for thread drift) GDD

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

Speaking of attractions around here, this is another, just down the street from us, although the map at this URL is inaccurate as to the placement of the house. It is really at the end of 168 street, not 152.

Deering Estate

This is were we sometimes launch the boat to go fishing. We are between this place and the zoo. The Coral Castle is just south of us on US1, aka Dixie Hwy, aka Useless 1. Dixie is still made of cement when you get past Cutler Ridge. the northern part has been 'improved' by widening and curbs and asphalt. They have also done some work where it goes thru Homestead.

damn software won't put the whole post in. dang!~

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

thread drift. LOL

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

Off to work. I think the Jockey Club is still around. I'll check later.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

I just read this story...I would love to go visit this place!!!! and I have "found" water with the divining rods...it is really strange feeling them MOVE on the energy fields!

thanks for this post, Gordon.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

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